Why do artists stay on Facebook?
So in the Danish newspapers (with nsfw images of course) another story about an artist that has been censored from Facebook. Icelandic Borghildur Indriðadóttir had her account ripped of images (or something like that) after posting images from the art project Demoncrazy. "I feel that I have been hacked by Facebook, " she is quoted to say.
Danish article with the images here: They removed everything from my wall
A video from the Icelandic media ruv.is: Berbrjósta gjörningur tekinn niður af Facebook

But what I don’t understand is: If the contemporary art scene thinks it is political and wants to change the world… WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL ON FACEBOOK? It is like making social realist paintings and then earning some money making graphic design for a Nazi newspaper. Idiotic, be it double standards, laziness or just stupidity.
I know you obviously are the choir… I might have to make a comic about it, so it can be shared among the unbelievers… on Facebook.

Interesting thoughts and it makes me wonder, why I'm still there... For my wife's café it is clear, because to date it is simply a working tool, to advertise the business locally. Our main target group is there...
For me as an individual? To share a few things with friends, who are not on platforms like steemit. Again.. its just, because most of the people I know are there.
As an artist, I'm not active enough on fb, to really see it make a difference. I was... many years ago and so I gained quite a following. But then they blocked me and stuff and I lost interest. Too much work anyways :-/
Every now and then I post something, but again, its mostly for people I know and so its... convenient. Which doesn't make it better, I know :-(
I left a long time ago and am just following the debate from afar. I think what provokes me is the whining from the political artists that ought to be conscious about what Facebook really is - how dangerous it is. I understand the reasons you and other people have for staying, but by investing time in blogging here you already are on your way in another direction. I remember that I felt left out for a week... and then it didn't matter any more. Facebook was forgotten, just like a bad dream.
Yes, we are the choir. Everytime I post on facebook and say to myself, "why?". I honestly only do it because I think it's part of a 'social media' package required by artists, but not sure I really want to do it anymore.
I don't even really engage on there as it is so much work and is always forcing itself into my other tabs. IF I forget to sign out I can be watching netflix and it will interrupt that with notifications.
I'll look forward to the comic...you should post it on facebook ;)
I second all of this comment!
That is the perfect way to describe how most artists I have talked to, fell. I guess artists are seldom revolutionaries, and that is why it annoys me especially much about political artists. They mime the avant-garde, but they are the arrière-garde, nursing their careers by creating free entertainment on an abusive system... (might use that in the comic!)
P.S. I will have to have friends and family and colleagues (if they have the guts) to spread it on Facebook. Good thing is that it is an image so the algorithm will have a harder time removing it from the feeds :)
The storm of indignation is free publicity for the artist, there is that.
Of course. But being an opportunist and being a self-proclaimed political artist at the same time is something I really loathe.
yes, why, why, why - for me it is more of a way to stay in touch with friends and family now. I've been in "Facebook Jail" several times (as was my friend @gric) and currently I have 3 profiles, hoping there will be one of them at least that stays out of "jail" (and able to administrate the various pages I have).
I blogged about a artist friend, Susannah Martin: Susannah Martin article in Huffington Post hit by Facebook censorship, there are many examples, such as Dino Valls getting hit by the Facebook Nipple Police time and again.
Well, for artists like you and me, who have other aspects in our art than politics I would say that it is understandable. For the left wing holier-than-thou art - the goodness-art - I have little understanding for the uproar. If they believe just half of the though-complex they promote, they should have left Facebook many years ago.
I think everybody should leave Facebook though, and I did so myself 6 years ago leaving my fine art career on the same occasion. I was sick and tired of the hierarchy, the kiss ass mentality, abusive art dealers, stupid academics and their museum, imbecile collectors! in short: the lack of spirit - so I started writing a novel instead - now many years later I have found a new audience on the free and federated networks, indulging in all the things that was forbidden back in the art institution: comics, illustration, pulp fiction, junk music etc.
My family was moved to Diaspora, which was a hell of a tedious endeavour. People are what we in Denmark call, safety Junkies and don't like to move away from the mainstream :)
Thanks for the link to Dino Valls :)
Interesting alternatives - I am over my head in socializing and at times wonder what has happened to my time. I share the same distaste for the hierarchy.
Glad I could intro you to Valls, he is phenomenal (I guess you used the link to his website).
Yes, there was always a lot of talk you had to do as an artist. I have a friend who said that the real work being an artist is talking in the phone - painting or sculpting or weaving tapestry is only incidental side issues. But social media is worse. I am no longer at Facebook, I got crazy when trying Twitter and I have had to just take breaks when the computer took away from my working hours.
I found Valls from the link and from a picture search on Google.
this just in - now here is my Facebook rant: Forex Trading Robot - Scam alert - and Facebook protecting their advertisers!
Just read it!
What I am about to say is: The artist love his/her follower and really worry if they move to another platform they will have no more follower or fans. So they will stay on that platform to make sure their happiness being followed and makes their own sensation of being loved.... :D
You are right. But artist's love of being adored is sometimes what makes them sell out :)
'They removed everything from my wall'. Well, when you post your material on a social media site, it is their servers and their 'terms of service', or 'laws'. They only way you can keep material up is to have your own website...
Youtube has been taking down quite a few 'pages' that do not meet their criteria as well. Large pages with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
A business can do as it likes - using it makes your free art less free, but you can't blame Facebook.
Why? I guess because the reach of Facebook and its ability to influence the masses is still unparalleled. Steemit and other platforms may be revolutionary, transparent, unmonitored, etc but I think they are still a niche.
Issues like the one in your post may raise awareness, though, and make more people question the ethics of Facebook.
Of course it is - because it is closing in on being a monopoly. My underpants wither and dustify at the very thought of them becoming like WeChat in China. If nothing else because we would all grow Mickey Mouse ears and attend the politically correct sermon of Pope Zuckerberg every Monday, where spiritual veganism and IKEA-Yoga would be the only allowed activities!
True brother so true...
Ha ha ha!
-Make the damn comic!!!
Artists are supposed to be "avant-garde" so to speak, I didn't think any self-respecting artist would still be using that platform, after all the scandals around privacy, mind-control experiments and such...?
I guess its a good way to get attention, just create a facebook artist-page, take some semi-nudes involve religion and free-speech etc, and then you get banned and you can cry out to "mainstream-media" that you have been violated, and buhuhuhuh... and Voilà:
-You're an overnight sensation!
That's the way to do it :)
Probably... This seems to be the manual for up n coming artists now days...
I'm a graduate of an Art School (some ten years ago), and I plan to go to the graduation show at the end of their year; and shill Steem as hard as I can. We can (and should) give artists a continued form of revenue (however small) - that they own, control, and can share as they see fit.
I have this friend who knew a guy who was considering to get a spray-can and a stencil and walk around and shill Steem, maybe this guy could do it outside art-schools for the desired effect? 😀😀😀
Given the art school I graduated from was contained with a boring, drab, grey concrete facaded building. That could work.
I'd never get away with such an act, given my car's licence plate, anyway.
Ha ha ha! You're funny man!
That would be great :)
You work very hard for this article.
Amazing article my dear friend..
you think he gets the point? - I am saving that (with your permission)........ followed the link, found the code and saved it: I definitely will be using it!
It is what it is there for :)