RE: Dark Katharsisdrill & the K-drill coin... will it ever happen?
It is actually interesting how the social environment plays a part in what you are doing... I am not sure really, so sometimes I need to set up an experiment. The whole Katharsisdrill project grew from such an experiment. At that point it was making free art, giving away the copyright and be anonymous - quite a hurdle for me. Now it is about how this new internet public creates intolerable consensus - not a new phenomenon really, but instant and very direct.
I have been thinking of something like a way to buy shares in an artists ouvre, a bit like Patreon or kickstarter. Maybe gives you a discount on things that are sold like merchendize, little print series or a printed comic-book. Not really sure yet, but it could be fun to make a simple prototype.
I didn't actually care too much about social environment and consensus in my art until now, but it's really an interesting sphere to bother about.
However, I will watch your projects closely and surely will find a lot of inspiration. I'd also be interested in owning one (or more) of your digital works (in a tokenized form). I'm sure, they would be a very good investment.
I have been notoriously oblivious to social expectations, but no human being is completely unaffected and that was suddenly a concern or maybe more like an revelation for me. That things are pushed much more around on a social media than on printed media or if you exhibit at galleries.