Paris Review article: Ugliness Is Underrated: In Defense of Ugly Paintings
One of my pet peeves is when people think art is merely something that is man-made and looks "pretty", or whatever dilutes it of its real meaning. Art is not decoration. It doesn't have to be aesthetically-pleasing. For a few weeks now, I had been planning to post to my personal Facebook profile, asking how people would define something that is beautiful. (Does it means it's merely aesthetically-pleasing?) When I opened my browser, before I went onto Facebook, I happened across this article.
Artists understand that a single piece of their work can inspire several emotions: anger, frustration, joy. Just because it's ugly or disgusting doesn't mean it ceases to be art.
"Calling something ugly is like calling something beautiful. The minute you say it, you’re in a difficult spot, trying to define what that really means.”
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