🎨 Work in Progress Shots of "Light-Tech"
Progress Shots of "Light-Tech"
Booya! I recently got a request do post some progress shots of my art in the making so here is a start. I decided to begin with the painting "Light-Tech" Hope you dig the twerk in progress!
Early Phase:
Started with a horizon of entoptic dots on a black background. Then began to triangulate electric static energy over the entoptic horizon with titanium white. A feel good phase :::)
I then began to underpaint the light bodies. Was going for a mind-light kind of effect originally, but then decided to make them pop more with a phosphene chrome kind of contrast.
After some glazing and details, the diffused shading starts to become rendered. Coming along, but not finished. Still needs more cow bell.
Finally I used some indigo blue to paint in the triangulated energies floating up into the void and jammed on the final touch-ups.
One brush stroke at a time I wrap it up & Boom~!!
“Light-Tech” by Kaliptus
Acrylics & Aerosol on canvas, 20" x 60"
Super kind! I included you in my 3rd installment of 10 Unbelievable Artists Btw. Got to check out your website in the process. I love the glitchometry that's playing in the background on your landing page. Nice to see your reputation climbing fast too. 35 in a week ain't bad at all:)
Cheers Duder TY
Good stuff man :) I gotta do some bigger pieces this year.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Same,stoked to see your 2018 inspirations! 2018 feels like it's gonna be good so far. :)
I think its gunna be a good year too