Water-art /pick your brush / first video tutorial

in #art7 years ago

Yesterday I posted blog including video shared from my You tube channel- first ever made, and today said to myself, why not try out DTube..So here is my first tutorial where i speak about watercolor brushes I use for my work. More to come since this was interesting experience for me :) It's funny to hear myself sounding so serious while talking

▶️ DTube

Hello hello Jung ! I just found your DTube video, I really liked it, and seeing the type of brushes you use is helpful ( I kinda use the same technique as in art school for many many years and didn't learned much since then).
But while you were talking about the different brushes and your way to use them in your work, I would have loved to know the importance of the brushes. For a beginner in watercolor, what kind of brush does he absolutely need for his first steps and why ?

Also, it would be great to see more of these tutorials on how to use watercolor, fundamentals and such ( If it's in your plans ^^) (Yes it's not real feedbacks haha, I liked the format and I'd love to see more of these !!=D)

Cheers !! And congrats for your first DTube vid !

Thank you @alcy for watching, I was bit nervous while making this one :)
Brush, paper and color are equally important when doing watercolors. If you are starting try to buy one artificial and one natural brush..Size 3 and 8 let say. And try how you feel them.
More about watercolors you can find here, three of us @marty-arts, @jnart and me are making tutorials for the beginners at @water-art page.
You will find good tips about paper basics and brushes. Next subject we will do are colors.
And I will make more videos, must admit it was fun :)

niice ! This is good resources thanks ! I am still using the same set from art school and using quite an instinctive approach to it so your videos are definitely a great help to understanding the craft, I'll follow t their blogs as well =D And waitig for that next video ! Cheers !

Thank you @alcy for leaving comment and asking question about importance of colors and brushes. Next few days i will be working on several videos and first one will be answer on your question. I intend to show good and bad colors and brushes explanation :) If you have more to ask please do, it will be good giving me ideas what to work with in tutorials since all the things in watercolor come to me as ''normal'', so I am not sure what are the interesting topics.

Awesome thanks ! Yep sure it will be my pleasure !! I think it will come while watching your vids, but right now some things I have in mind (and sorry if you already cover some of them I still have to take the time to check all the vid you guy made) :

  • How to "attach" the canvas to the support with the humid tap (sorry I have no idea how to name these in english x))
  • What are the different choices for watercolor and the pros and cons for each ? It can be overwhelming for a beginner to choose a set, and I remember I had strictly no idea what to choose (I still don't haha) (I have a based honey watercolor but I had no idea at the time why I had to buy this one over another one).
  • The differences between the kinds of paper maybe ? ANd how to paint on them !! when it's too grainy I feel like I am wasting soooo much paint !!!
  • The different processes of painting with watercolor and the different techniques as well ? I am following Boulet at the moment a french cartoonist (
) but I know there are infinit ways to apply watercolor, and specific ways to plan a painting (especially to figure out the light sources etc), so How to plan for a painting, and what kind of mindset to have to be able to learn the tool by ourselves ?

Sorry I got carried away ^^ These are the biggest questions I had when I begun and some I still have. I still tend to draw first with a pen and then fill it with watercolor but it would be so cool to be more efficient and know how to get better control of the brushes for going directly at the painting without drawing big fat black lines first haha

Thank you =DD I hope this will give you a few ideas ^^ Cheers !!

Do you mind sharing your channel link on YouTube? I'd love to support you over there as well!

I don't mind but there is only this video for now :) I am planing to make more of them these days and share them also on Dtube since I was asked many interesting questions about watercolors @tonicraftshow.


Cool! Ill give you a sub over there. I need to get on Dtube as well. So many new things to learn!

Честитам пробој на Дтјуб, @jungwatercolor :)

Hvala @lighteye, bas je zabavno priznajem. Ako vec ne mogu da predajem u skoli mogu ovako da sirim znanje :)

Управо је то нови начин преношења искуства @jungwatercolor. Ти си пионир новог света :)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

Hopefully there won't just be videos, but maybe a book by the end of the Water Art project as well :)

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