Art Explosion Week 23 Winners! The theme was CONSPIRACY!
We are closing week 23 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme was CONSPIRACY. There were so many amazing submissions for this @vachemorte and i had a very hard time deciding. We have a number of musical entries in our winners this week which is unusual, since we had a hard time deciding the winnings will be split between 8 people this week!
Our top pick this week was from @stahlberg, he was on point with the theme and we fell in love with the colour choices and lighting scheme, he wins 7 steem!
Next up we loved this gif by @miguelguacamaya about surveillance, you can see his process in the post below he gets 5 steem:
In third this week is @steemotion who made these amazing comic panels about JFK being assassinated by an alien, he gets 3 steem:
I'm giving five mentions this week who get 2 steem each!
@tajmikel (music):
@your.system (music)
We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

Wow it seems my art wasnt good enough...
We are happy that you participate and we basically wanted to give prices to everybody that enter this week!
You're ink drawing was spot on and matched the theme perfectly. We did considered the fact that you did it "some years ago" as some artist produced work, last week, specially for the contest.
This is totally permitted but we do consider that point every weeks and for each entry.
You are definitely a winner even if we didn't reward you a price :)
Just because you didn't get a prize please don't think it means we didn't love your art in fact it was in our top choices, there are so many entries that we have a very hard time choosing every week. We very much appreciate your participation and hope you join again!
Also Please note in the rules that we prefer new art created specifically for the contest and also when the artist talks about the work and the process, these are all things we try to weigh during the judging!
ok sorry, I didn't got this point, but thanks for the nice words and the appreciation guys.
@web-gnar that painting is totally unhinged. Great symbolism, I love it.
thanks g
Yeah that one really has everything, it's awesome!
Wow! Thanks a lot. All the awarded works are very shocking and interesting. Very good selection. Very pertinent this contest to promote art and creativity in this platform. I hope this contest continues for a long and productive time.
We really liked the infinite circle that you created with this .gif
Surveillance on all level and a really good fit of the theme!
Thank you!
I am very happy that you liked it
Your entry was amazing thank you so much for joining us!
Thank you for this contest!
Thank you very much:-) I feel honoured!
thank you for submitting steady to the contest, you always bring something new to the table!
Thanks for joining kerlund!
Wow thank you guys!! :) Exceptional entries by everyone! I hadn't seen that GIF yet, and I loved it! Thank you so much @juliakponsford for hosting and @vachemorte for help with the judging. This was a lot of fun! :)
No stress and congrats! You really created an original and immersive soundscape that we both liked.
Thank you for the awesome song, it complemented the visual art very well :)
Can't stop staring at the goldfish one ☺
Although it's less direct, it's very symbolic for me ☺
I love the expression of the cats and those poor unaware fish, a very unique interpretation of the theme!
What a creative art.!!!How much time take to completed it?
I am inspired to saw your art .Just keep up it
This isn't my art it's winners for my art contest this week
congratulation to all the winners indeed those were beautiful art you all deserved to win.
Yes three cheers for all the amazing artists!
Wow, these are all amazing picks! congrats to the artists!
It's getting harder and harder to choose every week >-<
We wouldn't have it any other way. ^_^
Congrats everyone that participate, that was another amazing week with mind blowing art!!!! I we do love our conspiracies so that makes it double fun.