Let's talk about tattoos | Beauty and power, tattoo of a warrior girl with wolf
Each one gets what they want tattooed, each one gives it its own meaning, with the passing of time images that used to represent something specific in previous years, for some people have acquired a new meaning today, the use of tattoos has been a part of the human culture for hundreds or thousands of years. For example, ancient civilizations such as the Maorie, in which every tattoo had a specific significance, representing the warrior, the leader, to name a few, by using different graphic elements that are now called tribal by their origin.
"Tribal" according to the dictionary refers to the one or something that is part of the tribe.
These intrinsic, geometric, repetitive designs with a vast use of patterns gave the foundations for what would be the popular tribal tattoo of the 1990s, two styles with the same fundamental artistic basis, but that visually, although they share certain characteristics, give us a completely different connotation, apart from the fact that a Maori or Polynesian tribal tattoo is full of meaning. Each image and its location represents something specific, a tribal tattoo from the 1990s is mostly "decorative" and almost always meaningless, but as you know everyone can represent it and give it the meaning of their preference.

Every year, not to say every month, new trends are generated, many say, " Everything is already created ", and in my opinion, there is something certain about this, although I also think that the personal touch that each person adds to their works is still something that, even if it is similar or has an idea shared with another design or creation, It gets its own life alongside its own history, and this makes it different and unique (obviously I'm not talking about a case of absurd and direct plagiarism, like copying exactly one design from another artist, or failing that trying to do it identical and making it look worse, pathetic plagiarism).
Today I am not here to give you a class about tattoo history, or even a work-ethics lesson, I am here to show you a design of my own that I made for a good friend, and I shaped it into his body with the help of my machines.

Here are the 2 designs I made especially for this work, each one looking in opposite directions, each one thought to fit their respective ribs, so I ask for discretion and respect since both designs have been created for a specific client.
An image that has been very popular throughout the years, and that continues to make its presence in the world of tattooing by traveling through its different styles such as Traditional, Neo-traditional, Realism in color and shadows, New School, among others; are the designs and tattoos of girls' faces with ornaments or animal hats, emulating the ancient natives of different tribes and cultures who used this kind of clothing to represent their social level, or even to intimidate their opponents on the battlefield.

Stencil prepared to be attached to the skin and begin this work.
Making a design of a beautiful lady with a fierce wild beast, generates that contrast that I always look for when creating or capturing an idea, two elements that stand out by themselves and in fusion give as a result the perfect combination, duality.

So far this is, if I'm not mistaken, the largest piece I've ever done in a single session, a long session that required a lot of concentration on my part as well as on the part of my friend, since it is one of the areas that is most challenging for us, both for those who tattoo because of the elasticity of the skin and for the client because of the high threshold of pain that this area presents. I must say that he, although he was very uncomfortable during the session, made my work much easier, as he was always firm on the tattoo table from start to finish, without moving or shaking, of course, we took about 2 breaks during the session.

The image I show below was the one I chose to show this work in my Instagram account, however for that publication I lowered the color saturation, here I am showing you the images with their original color at the time of their capture.

Finally, I bring you this video, in it you can see the piece completely healed, 2 weeks after the tattoo was made, the video I uploaded the day 22/06/2018 to my Youtube @vivehoysc account, it is the account of my Tattoo shop, was registered by me using a friends Doogee cell phone, because at that time I did not have my camera on hand.
It's always good to remember, it takes us back to those moments and makes us feel as if we were there once again, it almost always feels as if it was yesterday, at least in my case, maybe I have a problem in a space-time context, I don't know, what I do know is that I will continue to cultivate moments so that they remain in my memory, and also in the skin and memory of other people.

All content published here is my property, images, text, tattoo, and video. The photos were taken with my Fujifilm Fine Pix HSR camera and edited using Adobe Photoshop.
I also want to have a tattoo, but I am afraid of the pain.. what should I do?
There are some tattoo artists who work with local anesthesia, this greatly reduces the pain that the client may feel during the time of the tattoo, most do not use it, or leave it for extended sessions once the client no longer supports the pain and must still continue with the session. For many, pain is an important part of tattooing, as some say, "no pain, no gain". Personally, I have never used local anesthesia at the time of making a tattoo, but it is an option, the most important thing, is to be very clear that we want to tattoo in our body, and to know that it will be permanent, to be prepared physically, and mentally, so that the process of the tattoo more than painful becomes pleasant, since it will mark a before and an after, thank you for commenting and enjoying my work.
No hablo ingles pero amigo, te quedo muy bien ese dibujo incluso hasta hiciste un tatuaje con eso, eres increíble mi hermano te felicito, me alegro tener a alguien como tu con tanto talento.
Muchas gracias mi estimado @richjr si pasas por mi blog puees conseguir la publicación en español :) un abrazo.
That is a great tatto.
This is great, though i personally think thet unused artwork is even better.
I really like the feel of monochromatic tattoos, was considering trying it out myself.
I mean trying to get it done and also doing it myself. Someday maybe :)