Procreate Doodles #3 - Four Girls, a Redhead and a... Pink Vampire?

in #art6 years ago

So my brain does this thing occasionally...

where it just switches off and I doodle mindlessly and then stuff happens. This stuff is usually characters and most usually girls (though I made a conscious effort not to draw a mermaid this time which is what usually happens) because that's mah comfort zone guyyss... mmkaay?

I enjoy doing this, it relaxes me, and I'm usually listening to music or an audiobook or even sort of half watch a series or a movie while doing this to ensure maximum brain-turn-offage.

Most of the time the results are pretty boring and average, as it's really chiefly a meditational activity, but occasionally magic happens.

drawn on my trusty iPad Pro with the Procreate app

I wouldn't exactly say that this is one of those times but I am rather intrigued by this very random, yet kind of awesome Vampire ... thing .. androgynous person.. thing... who seems to have made pink his trademark colour and is rocking the creepy shit out of it, if I may say so.

Came out of nowhere - BAM! - there he was. All pink and terrifying.

Who'da thunk a pink/dark blue/pasty-white combo would actually work on a creepy character?
Sure he's kinda got that androgynous Manga-Bishie thing going that I can't seem to shake no matter how far behind me my crazy Manga-freak years are drifting but I still find him rather horribly creepy.

Which is kinda cool, no?


I couldn't think of a title for this random little post for the longest time so I decided on boring and descriptive and now it sounds like the start of a weird joke.

"Four girls, a redhead and a pink vampire walk into a bar..."

ready? Steady... GO! ~ 1SBD to the person who can come up with an actually funny continuation of that pseudo joke.

If none make me chuckle no-one gets the dough. hee hee~

Now we'll also see who actually reads any of my blurps.
It shall be a social experiment. 😏

You have until the post pays out - which, btw, you can check on here:

You can also simply replace my username in the url with yours to check your own pending payouts, in case you didn't know this awesome tool yet ;)

Have fun~
Steem on, dreamers!

Toodles, and until the next time <3



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this sketches are so good! And i love the pink vampire. really hope youll draw him more :D

wow good post

Great doodles! I bet you’ll get some long & wild stories from this one! I think the little vampire is cute with all those teeth & those ears! I’ll keep an eye out to watch it unfold. I like the sketchiness of your lines on the iPad too- i with there was an ebony pencil option in procreate... the lines seem not quite right for me, I’ll keep playing with it. Thank you!

omg * __ * love your style so much <3 you should be working in animation disney or something, your characters are so gorgeous and full with personalities <3

... uh as for the continuation.... four girls, a red head and a pink vampire walked into a bar, and asked the bartender for vermouth on the rocks, to which the partially deaf bartender said, "you lot have enough vermillion between you to share around"


i am bad with the funnies XD awwwwwww

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