Dude this is an awesome Spider! I love these little guys!
You should try using a landscape pic as your first pic in steemit blogs, otherwise it get's cut off by the thumbnail size or something. Also show us the spider in the thumbnail. I feel like more ppl would want to see this had they know it wasn't a bunch of old spoons lol ;)
Another idea is to make a dtube video of you doing one of these or a welding porject and just speed it up or make it less than 5 minutes etc.
You could probably start doing a dope welding series or something like that "Metal Works on the Steemit Blockchain"
I see what you are saying. Makes total sense. A short video would be great. I'll need to set up a stand for my phone and then just do some basic editing. Thanks for the input. Always appreciated.
Ya man i think that’d be huge.
Especially if u start a dtube series of sorts.
I still think “Metal works on the Steem Blockchain” or something along thoae lines would be a good title.
Particularly adding the “on the steem blockchain part” mite yeild some results