My Biggest Winter Project Update. It Got A Name! A Lesson Of Letting Go...

in #art7 years ago (edited)

This is my third post about my progress on the largest winter 2018 project that I am in the process of creating.

IMG_2160 a.jpg

Last week and yesterday were amazing. I got tons on it done. Especially yesterday. After 12 hours of painting straight, I could see the end of it and was pretty confident that I can have it done in a day, maximum two.

But ha ha, well, I have to laugh cause this happens so often. When I have a super productive day (16 hours of work yesterday which felt like a breeze, I was not even tired), than as a general rule the following day, for some reason, is crap. Not necessarily altogether a day that I'd label as "shitty", but since the bar is very high from the previous superman day, it just feels like it.

Hm, so after spending few hours on details today, I looked at it and had to admit to myself:

yup, i over-complicated it...

The central part I mean. And this is a lesson that I learned the hard way and that I recommend every artist to learn ASAP because you will save yourself lots of pain and disappointment. Here it is:

When you look at the result of your work and part of you, deep down, knows that you don't like it, and your mind is trying to convince you that it's good enough, that it's actually pretty awesome, don't listen to it. Have the balls to scratch it, cover it up, and start again, even if it means deleting hours of your minute work. Your mind will tell you: Oh, but what a majestic waste of time to erase all that work! Better just embellish it and "repair" it. Nah, don't listen to it. You have not wasted any of your time, you have learned a lesson and trained your hand. Next time you'll do this one mistake less (out of the million bad moves that you'll still do in the future). So it's not a mistake. And yup go and cover it up and start from cleaner point.

Thats' exactly what I did today, as you can see...


This is where I finished on my last blog update


Mountains came to life...


Earth in the tree came to be...


...and exactly at this point I had to be honest with myself- the central part is too much...

centre part...

...and so I took brush and covered up work of many hours in the space of few minutes...


This is how it looks now, and tomorrow is a new day. It's 10:30 pm here in Vancouver and I'll be leaving my studio soon.
I am not disappointed. I will go and pick up my sword, my samurai's katana (my brush) tomorrow morning and I will kill the beast of resistance in me and paint something way better.

So be it,

Till next time Steemit fam,

Much Love,
follow @jankasparec

P.S.: Beauty resides in simplicity!
P.P.S.: I forgot to tell you the name! It will be named HERITAGE

hanes heritage 1.jpg

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facebook tag.jpg
instagram tag.jpg



good one - upvoted and resteemed. Following.
If it were not for the Facebook page of Steemit Artists, I might have missed it.
also shared on my Twitter:

Thanks so much @thermoplastic ! Following you back

visionaryartcom Visionary Art tweeted @ 27 Feb 2018 - 12:19 UTC

My Biggest Winter Project Update. It Got A Name! A Lesson Of Letting Go... — Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wow this painting is absolutely incredible! I know exactly how you feel about not liking a painting and wanting to start over or rip it up and start over regardless of how long it might have taken. But honestly, I like it either way. Seeing as its such a large canvas, those intricate details were providing more intrigue, but the simpler focal point makes it more sublime. At the end of the day, you as an artist have to be satisfied with it. I don't know how you can paint for 16 hours though! I painted for 4 today and by the end I was completely spent! Keep up the amazing work! Love Lali xx

Thank you for lovely comment! Painting charges me most of the time:)

I really like the detail in the first version, however it was tough to see what was going on until you zoomed in, so probably a good move for clarity. Love the piece

Me too Jake! Just not 100% and I am radical in that way :D

I could relate, i often have those conversation in my brain, and sometimes i trick my brain that all thise effort shoukd be fine, not until my wife takes a second look and tells me what i first thought, so i always go to her for 2nd opinions before i could say the painting is done. I am always curious as to what brand of paint do you use, its always so vibrant, all the colors are alive! Specially with your light areas, its so bright that it could pierce thru the soul

Hey,my friend I am new in steemit please help me. I can't understand how can I start

I'll sit on this one before it strikes me what should really be in there to finish it in a majestic way. Good thing that I got so much other stuff to work on at the meantime! Thanks a lot bro!

Wahh now that looks sick my friend! I think it looks a lot better drawing some strokes in the breath of simplicity, love it ✌🏼

Also the painting is huge! Can't even imagine how much effort you must have put into this, true mastery 🙏🏼

Don't know your other interests but if you happen to be into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!🙌🏼

IT was a nice dance to get it where it is now. And bit more dance to get the final majestic touch on it. Was great fun! Thank you so much!

Love the story! Interestingly, it usually works the other way round with my paintings. Whenever I decide a work is finished, at least some hours later my mind bombards me with things like "no, no, it´s not finished. And it will never be, because it will never be good enough. Maybe you should change this or that? No, won´t even work. You´d better paint it completely over". And so on. :) So ... I think most artists have to deal with some kind of thoughts that try to sabotage one´s creativity.

haha thanks for sharing. yes that mind chatter is going on too :)

This is an awesome art photography. Its really amazing photo and also creative art. I really impressed your art. post... Love it..
Great to share

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