Time-Lapse - Digital Painting of Hermione Granger from Harry Potter!

in #art7 years ago

I shared my final piece for this painting late last night and just got the video recordings finalized in Premier Pro to share my timelapse process! Watch me paint Hermione in the video below!

Thanks so much for stopping by! If you missed my post from last night that shows the final painting and write up, the link is in the thumbnail section below - please go check her out! I hope you are having a great weekend! Take care :)

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Really fascinating to see how you do it. I have made a few attempts to digital painting, but I already get frustrated customizing the brushes...

Hey @reinhard-schmid! I think its funny that you mention the brushes, because that honestly is something I still struggle to do well myself. I have downloaded a few free brush packs online and still find myself sticking to the basics - soft round that I just change the size on to get harder or softer edges, and a rectangular shaped brush that has a bit of texture in it so I get that slight brush stroke appeal. I think you should continue to give it a try - the thing I love the most is it makes me feel so free and I don't worry about mistakes as much. I got into watercolors a lot my senior year of college and it was very nerve wracking because you put too much down and you loose all the goodness - lol - I was always so terrified with every choice. Digital lets me play with a lot of different types of drawing and painting - I can get the feel of a pencil, oil, watercolor, pastel, etc. and it stays so flexible, never tied down to one direction, always able to experiment and undo if I hate it. Thank you so much for stopping by - your work just amazes me and your work is a big inspiration to me! :)

Haha.. the brushes, oh well! I definitely see the advantages of digital and the option, that you can always go back and make changes. I use it a lot for the preparation of a new painting, or to change the appearance of a finished one for prints.

Some 10 years ago I was determined to actually do a full underpainting digitally and then finish it in traditional media. Spent hours to design and modify a series of brushes to act like the real ones I'm using. I did finish the digital step and even worked a bit on the printed canvas. But then it got totally screwed up and I never finished the piece. When I wanted to do another, I found out, that I somehow lost the customized brushes, which was so frustrating, that I never spent enough time again, to produce anything decent this way.

With my glass paintings its very different, but with oil on canvas I like the old Flemish approach, where you separate the creation of shape and color. That gives you a lot of freedom to finish a step to your satisfaction and only then add another layer..

Oh my.. yes, I would have been devastated lol.. probably a full on emotional melt down would have ensued for me!! I just love that you paint on glass, its amazing, such a surface. I did a lot of painting on glass as a part time job working for a woman in college painting glasses, windows, furniture, etc with whimsical designs and a LOT of hand lettering.. and I loved how the brush would just sail across the surface, like butter. It felt really good.

I will have to look into the flemmish painting that you are talking about. I have had many different professors, and in high school I had the best art teacher - he was so out there and really pushed me creatively. He taught me the process of painting the base in sepia, defining shape and light through value, then, using thin glazes of color on top to build the image. Is this what you mean? I am going to the google to find out more lol! I love learning new techniques, especially old master techniques!

Yes, that's one of the ways to do it, although I learned it more the other way round. On a ground of English red, you build up shape and light by using only white. Not trying to spam your comments, but if you like, you can see my process at this post I did a while back.

Cool! I will definitely give it a look - no worries, I am glad you shared! I love learning about new techniques!

YES! I remember this piece of yours. I remember actually commenting on that one lol - it's funny because I was just thinking of that piece when sharing your work with my husband, and I couldn't find it. Then low and behold - that is the one you shared! What a coincidence! Thanks again for sharing! @reinhard-schmid

Wow, this is really good! I'm just now starting to teach myself digital! I tried a few times in the past and then just kept going back to traditional art because I "know" it and can do it faster! But I def think that digital can be pretty awesome if I actually take the time to learn it.
The values and contrast really make her pop out, nice job.

Thank you @artistschristian! You should keep at it, it may be a little slower at first, but I think you would be able to pick it up quickly. Honestly I think Digital is a little faster for me than traditional, but here lately I've been a bit slower than I used to - I have done so much graphic design over the last 10 years that painting wasn't always something I let myself have time to do, even though it was all I did growing up through college. I used to be super fast - but I'm sure if I keep it up and continue to set time aside to do it, I will get faster. Thanks for taking time to stop by! I really loved this piece. I love that aqua color and so using it in this piece was a lot of fun :)

I've always loved time-lapse paintings, whether digital or otherwise there's just a sense of magic when you see a piece of art come together all at once. Especially as having no artistic talent myself, I know nothing about how to go about Drawing/painting anything!
Fingers crossed for more of these in the future!

(You resteem some interesting looking stuff!)

Thank you @themadrunnah! I too love to watch these timelapse paintings. I sit and watch them all the time - it helps me learn new techniques and processes which is very interesting. I definitely will be doing this more! I am trying to spend more time painting and sharing my work here on steemit - so please keep checking back - I really appreciate the support :)

I'm glad you like the stuff I re-steem. If there is something out there that is really well documented or written, I re-steem. If I see an artist's work that is brilliant and they share their process - I will re-steem. I love being able to go back and look at these myself - its a fun collection :)

Really amazing and I love how these time-lapse videos show the process. I personally love digital now, as it has a lot of freedom of so many materials in very little space and no mess! I love it as usual. The background and smoke effect really spot on.

Hey Donna!! Thank you for letting me know your thoughts :) I'm so glad you enjoy seeing the process, its quite fun for myself too lol, I find myself watching them over after I edit and export haha. I agree - digital is the bomb.com - I LOVE the flexibility - I say it all the time, but I do. You can truly play and not worry about messing something up and having to start all over. I also agree on the mess, with 2 kids and 3 animals I just don't trust painting much inside. The other issue is when I paint traditionally, I enjoy oils, and I just can't do the chemicals in tight spaces with no quality ventilation system. I was getting terrible migraines the last year of study at ECU being in several classes that were in painting studios. While there was ventillation, all of those students and all of that open turpentine just got to me daily. So yeah, digital is totally the direction I have really gone towards the past 8 or 9 years now. Thanks for stopping by as always! <3

I still find it amazing that anyone can draw digitally.

I can't even make a decent circle or even produce any legible handwriting using my Intuous drawing tablet!

You are so funny!! You know, I struggle still with trying to draw on like my iPad - that slick glass surface is very difficult to maintain a level of control and since I am a Graphic Designer by day, over the last ten years since college where you draw every day, my muscle memory has decreased a bit because I just haven't always had the time to sit and draw like I used to. I'm sure if I practiced more it will get better on the ipad, but I love my Intuous and with the nib that has some texture to it (I think its like a light grey) it gives me enough surface tension to where I do feel like I am drawing on paper. I have also tried putting down tracing paper over the tablet surface with a bit of tape and it helped in the beginning to get the hand eye coordination. Not looking down at my hands while I drew was a weird feeling at first - lol! Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my work! <3 (I love your avatar by the way.. kitties are the best!)

You are so talanted. Excellent skills. Upvote and resteem from me. Just won another fan.

@soulart - you just made my day! Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to watch my video! :) I hope you will continue to check back and keep in touch! I love your user name too!! <3

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