Balloon Dog Drawing and art talk.

in #art6 years ago


Drawing shiny things is hard. One of the shiniest things to draw is chrome, and one the most chromed out things I can think of are Jeff Koons's metal balloon dog. Jeff Koons is one of the most successful living artist in history, and while his subject matter and artistic style has changed though-out the years, some of his most well known and impressive pieces are the giant metal balloon sculptures. I was able to see one of these in person at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. IT IS BIG. and SHINY. And if you didn't know it you would not believe that is was made metal. It looks so fragile and weightless like it was about to take flight or pop if you poked it with a sharp stick. Maybe this kind of art is not your thing, I get it. But some art is meant to be experienced and digested and to provoke thought, and Jeff Koons work is truly that. ![IMG_2502.JPG]


This is how far I got in an hours time. I got all my proportions figured out then I out lined all the highlight areas that I wanted to keep white. IMG_2504.JPG
Next I went in with a dark pencil and started filling in all the areas I wanted black. After I knew where I wanted my high lights and dark shadows I slowly worked the rest of the areas.image1.jpeg
The finished product. A lil' blending, A lil' touching up and there you have it. A shiny balloon dog.
I wish some rich crypto whale would negotiate a deal to buy an OG Jeff Koons balloon sculpture. That would turn the heads of some elite fiat lovers. Speaking of bitcoin please donate below if you enjoyed reading and looking.


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