Starting from used materials and wasted (Berawal dari bahan bekas dan terbuang)
Creativity is sometimes born at an unspecified time, creativity is born in times of oppression. Starting from used materials and wasted sometimes born a work that is very priceless.
This is what happens to a small portion of the people of Lhokseumawe that show their best work, through an efen organized by the city government of Lhokseumawe itself to see the creativity of the people in their work.
One of the works featured in an event that has been going on a few months ago is the art of shipping, made from a variety of raw materials used as grain, wooden edges, rumbian stem and so forth.
Interestingly, the miniature is worth a very high sale, whereas the raw material is only from waste goods that are wasted. This is part of the innovation that was born from the hands of the people of Lhokseumawe.
I really hope other people can also be more innovative in giving birth to valuable works, I also really hope the local government's concern to the creativity of the community can be accommodated in a container of the best.
Beautiful artwork, let alone made from used goods, if cultivated this can clean up the garbage in this environment is extraordinary @husaini
Inovasi selalu hadir untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan.
Mohon kiranya hadir di blog saya @musarhan