My Painting : Orchid 幽谷兰香
Dear Steemians:
Today I would like to share with you orchid. It usually lives in the glen or valley quietly, fresh and elegant, and is always in harmony with the rest of the world. I like it very much.
Its leaves aren't soft, look like belt and sword, very strong . From ancient times to the present, Chinese people often say that watching its leaves is more beautiful than its flowers which are not bright-coloured and look fresh with a faint aroma.
My mother grows many flowers on the balcony, including orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses. And that orchids lives more than ten years, two years ago, it began to bloom.
Mentioning orchids, we all know it is mainly ink and line, so painting orchids can exercise our ability of how to use brush and ink. How can I miss it?
Now let's start it.
它的叶子非常劲力,如带如剑,不像有些草软软的。 中国自古以来对兰花就有看叶胜看花之说。它的花不是特别浓艳,但是看起来非常清新,带有淡淡的香味。
Chinese brushes
Chinese painting color
Xuan Paper
The Process 过程:
先用藤黄和华青混合调出草绿,然后再加一点点三绿色,然后再调一些赭石,最后笔尖 蘸一点胭脂。
兰花之美,美得仪表高雅,兰花之香,香得幽远飘逸, 兰花之纯,纯得皎洁无暇。但更美更香更纯的,却是那古今人们所称赞的君子风韵。
Thank you for watching.
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I tried many times to grow flowers but they do not live with me... It's sad
try again, hug you..
Nice painting how long did it take
If you are familliar with it, you can do it for half an hour. or, maybe one, two,... hours..
Beautiful picture
Please see my nature painting here
Stunning. I really like it. How long did it take to draw and paint?
half an hour
nice drawing.take a look at mine
this is so ZEN :) ty for sharing...
Nice drawing
Looks like almost all Chinese flowers preach same word.
And found it hard to understand the procedures but thanks to google (lols)
it has many kinds of meaning in different article.In this post, I want to express its insular feeling, standing aloof from worldly success.