Someone scales the gates to touch up some street art
If you read my blog you know already that I was a bit miffed that an unofficial street-art park ended up getting filled up with garbage by selfish asshats and it became such a mess that the owners eventually erected a fence to keep everyone out. The owner never did this before when the people were just using the land to do street art and even allowed a small cafe to open there. Things were good and everyone was winning. it was quickly becoming a very popular place to go and hang out and have cheap drinks while you watch people do something that not very many people are capable of doing with spray paint. But then the selfish assholes started dumping trash and construction debris there and the owner really had no choice but to seal the place off after I presume they paid to have the debris removed.
It looked like the glory days were over for people that appreciate street art and for the most part it was.
However, someone recently jumped the fence and did some touch up work on one of my favorite pieces that was in there.

Only the skeleton or "Death" is new, the rest of it was already there.
You can see the piece before it was altered as well as the garbage that lead to the place being sealed off in this next pic

Given that the hands were already there in the original piece, I suspect that the artist wasn't actually finished when they put the fence up and decided to climb over in order to finish it even though the park is now closed and likely will remain that way forever. I would still like to speak to the owner one day and inquire about how much it would cost to rent the land from him. I would imagine that it is prohibitively expensive because we are so close to the ocean with this plot.

It would have been nice if the fun times when the cafe was open could continue because finally this area had something different for us to do. If you live in or even just visit Da Nang at all you will quickly figure out that almost all of the businesses or events are simply carbon copies of something else we already have dozens of and therefore nothing ever seems special. For example, this tiny area I live in has something like 15 Indian restaurants that all have exactly the same menu. None of them are ever busy because of the over-saturation of the area and I was walking around the other day and noticed there is yet another one being opened right across the street from an already existing Indian restaurant. Are these people stupid?
I was happy to see that this bit of street art was able to be completed but at the same time it kind of makes me sad that the whole thing is shut down.