FUTURISTIC CITY (A Starry Ai creation)
Hello Ai Art Lovers!
I just created another set of Ai artwork and I'm too excited to show it to you... can't wait until tomorrow :D
So, I input several keywords on my prompt that describe something about a futuristic city and I'm blown away by the results that I got. It's otherworldly. I'm so amazed and terrified at the same time. It's as if Ai has predicted the future of our city. Several years from now, I believe that we will have a city within a manmade "tiny" planet as shown by the Ai artwork. I mean, we are already aiming to conquer other planets like Mars and potentially outside our solar system. I think that it won't take long until humanity will create an artificial planet to cater to the growing population of mankind.
Looking at the artwork allows me to imagine a scenario of the future. As the algorithms of Ai are becoming more complex, I feel that Ai will not only allow us to imagine concepts but also to analyze a solution to actually build/create it.
Welcome to my fantasy world!
Thanks for using steemegg.