
The photo will not give all the subtleties and depth of this technique. when viewed physically the eyes doesn't repose on the surface of the painting, but go inside each layer of transparent colours. which give a sensation of vibration (energy). 7 first layers are the evolution of form the next 7 are the involution of consciousness. Harmony is in this technique organically as all colours are made of all the others by transparency.

wow I am truly impressed you really take art to a spiritual level, I feel very inferior as an artist here :) I hope I will reach your level some day. I'm sure you need a great deal of patience

Art is a spiritual practice that you are conscious of it or not. I don't think i will paint if it was not link to spirituality.

But as said Meher Baba:
"To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms truth, love, purity and beauty — this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth.
All other happenings, incidents and attainments in themselves can have no lasting importance.
— Meher Baba
IS THAT SO?, p. 113
1978 © Meher Baba Foundation

also He said"
"Art, when inspired with love, leads to higher realms. Love art, and that art will open for you the inner life. - Meher Baba

So you are on your way.....

beautiful thank you

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