Painting with 🔥fire🔥 and light in 3D-Space inside a dedicated VR room is pretty awesome
Hey Steemit,
I had lots of fun playing 3D-painting with the Vive at a VR Headspace in San Francisco today.
I started with strong brushes on a virtual canvas in front of me, but after a few seconds I understood that I could make real use of the 3D space.
By taking a step while turning 90º, I realized that the canvas/space did not move with me, it was fixed in position mid-air, frozen in time – I felt like Quicksilver in that amazing X-Men scene where.
I could manipulate my creation in fine detail from another vantage point. It's really an experience unlike anything else I've ever had in my life.
A girl painting in the VR room before me. She was enjoying it too.
Final Thoughts
It's still very buggy and expensive. But I can see the incredible potential, especially for creative collaborations. Making art, science, music, learning, so many applications. It's not there yet though. VR needs a few more years.
Man! I want to play with Tilt Brush so bad. It looks like an absolute killer app for VR, and this is just the start. Vives and Rifts are now shipping without delay, there's loads of Gear VR's out there in the hands of users. PSVR is coming soon, and a few other interesting looking projects further down the line. The future for VR is looking bright, and I couldn't be more excited. I've been dreaming of this stuff since the 1990's!