Ithaqa Steemit RPG Week 7 Fight Monsters, Win Steem! New Rules/Perks!

in #art6 years ago

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Last Game's winner was @javo1096, who rolled a natural 20, congrats! You can all see the encounter in the link below.


Pick A Faction: Investigators, Cultists, or Mythos Creatures (if you haven't already).

Comment below with your faction pick (or your pre-existing character if you have already played before).

Pick a Starting Stat, and mention it in your comment: Mythos or Stamina

As your character wins or loses, your stats will go up or down, and that will add buffs or debuffs to your roll.

I will randomly match two players up via RNG.
I will roll dice (
Winner of each match will be 100% Upvoted, earning you STEEM after 7 days.

All human characters will have a starting Sanity rating of 5, and every loss will cost 1 sanity point. If you get to 0, your character is insane! Start again! If you are a mythos creature, you will have a starting Power stat of 5, which functions the same way.

NEW RULE: If you roll a natural 20 in combat, you may choose one of the following perks for your character:

  1. Do not suffer a sanity/power loss during your next defeat in game
  2. You can either choose a future plot element (or item for your character) for me to write into your story
  3. You can choose who your next matchup will be

Currently @bryan-imhoff and @javo1096 have an unused perk.

(( RESTEEM THIS POST )) FOR BONUS HIT-POINTS: Random Weapon Generator:

(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]) WITHOUT RESTEEM BONUS
(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]+{5 Weapon}=[13])

I will write some fun flavor text to describe the encounter that happens between you and your opponent, and hopefully this will be a fun way to help raise money for the actual comic!!/@drwatson/t2b3d2ijh

Our current rankings are (based upon stats):

  1. @la-fumettista,The Investigator, Hazel. Her main stat is stamina, and because of her wins she's got +4 to her rolls. Hazel's sanity is 5 (1 week inactive)
  2. @nyarlathotep, The Pallid Husk, has a Sanity of 4 and a Mythos stat of +2 (1 week inactive)
  3. @effofex The Cultist, has 3 Sanity and +2 to his Mythos stat (2 weeks inactive)
  4. @javo1096, Tulem Kolkochsky, has a Sanity of 3 and a Mythos stat of +2
  5. @bryan-imhoff, The Mythos based Rat-Thing, has had his Power reduced to 2, but has a Mythos stat of +2. (1 week inactive)
  6. @jrej the Bulky Investigator, has 4 Sanity left and Stamina + 1 (2 weeks inactive)
  7. @paulavg, the Mythos Creature has 4 Power left and Mythos +1 (2 weeks inactive)
  8. @mountainwashere is a Stamina based, silent investigator. His Sanity is 3
  9. @nateaguila, the Cultist has had his Sanity reduced to 4. (3 weeks inactive - elimination imminent)
  10. @eyedrip, The Mythos-based Flickering One, has had their Power reduced to 4 (3 weeks inactive - elimination imminent)

Non-active players will be removed from the rankings after 3 weeks

If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages!

Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.


Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Sign up to buy the comic on our website:

Twitter: @IthaqaComic


The Pallid Husk writhes in his lair, waiting for a sign from his Unspeakable master. His mind reaches out, seeking his next victim... (Resteemed!)

The Pallid Husk giggles to himself through the burlap tatters of his True Face.

So much excitement these past few weeks! Sure there were setbacks, that pesky Rat-Thing had proven to be a greater threat than previously expected, but it was nothing a little singing couldn't solve!

The Pallid Husk crawled from the rotting tree stump where he made his home, and examined the forest. Its warmth was fading, Winter's fingers were sliding through the dirt. Time to relocate, someplace a little warmer, someplace where prey might be more likely to turn up.

He begins to sing a song, nasal and circular in nature. He doesn't even understand most of the words coming out of his mouth, but that's ok, The Pallid Husk is but a vessel, he gave up his True Name many moons ago.

He spins in circles as he sings, letting his arms flail like ribbons in the breeze. His rotting teeth sting in the cold air, but The Pallid Husk keeps singing, once it has begun, to stop is sacrilege.

The Pallid Husk's sight turns to all things Yellow, dead leaves, fungus on the trees, the urine running down his leg. It is good, because Yellow provides answers, power, and nourishment.

@nyarlathotep rolls: (20) + (2) +(2) = 24
The Environment Rolls: (10)

Yellow opens to him, and he pitches his voice even louder, spins even faster. The Yellow Road will be revealed to him, or he will die trying! He feels its cloying smell wash over him, and for a moment The Pallid Husk loses consciousness.

We he awakens, he finds that the tattered scraps of cloth on his face have been replaced, mended. Where once they were brown and stained, now they are pure and Yellow. A good omen.

Better yet are the trail of dead yellow leaves that lead him to a group of weary drifters. He will sing to them as they sleep tonight... and lure them to his cause...

@nyarlathotep's mythos goes to +3! Also you rolled a natural 20, so you will have a perk to choose from next session!

Getting out of the burnt cornfield Tulem acknowledges that this town has a lot going on, and he's decided to unveil what is behind all these strange happenings. He will have some rest to ease the pain from his gums and gather his thoughts, that way maybe the next time the fate fails him he'll still have the strength to push on.

*Perk #1 chosen, also resteemed.

Burning the cornfield felt good, invigorating really. Before he turns his back on the field he lobs one last glob of bloody spittle at the dirt.

Fuck that field, and fuck whatever used to live in it.

Later at the bar, Tulem winces as he puts back some bathtub whiskey. His mouth is on fire, but that's ok, the pain only gives him a greater sense of focus. Time for some answers.

He stumbles over to the Cornell Library, they keep the most accurate records in town, perhaps there are answers to be found there...

He slips the librarian a twenty to grease the wheels and allow him to stay after hours. Twenty dollars is a lot of money after all, Tulem just hopes the poor sap doesn't realize it's a fake while he's still in the library.

Pulling town records, Tulem finds out something very interesting about the property... It has changed owners every fifteen years, going all the way back to 1780! An old newspaper clipping blames the local indian tribes for the strange symbols often carved on the victims, but Tulem knows better, these spirals aren't human in origin. They remind him of the leafy creatures that stole his teeth... vine-like and constantly coiling in on themselves.

It clicks - 15 years must be the gestation cycle of those foul creatures! A farmer moves in, tends to his crop, and moves unsuspectingly closer to his doom each season. The soil is rich, always yielding such high quality harvests, but no one ever bothered to ask why...

The only question is, who planted those beasts in the first place, and why?

As he goes back to pull another book from the shelf, a slip of paper falls to the floor. Stenciled on it in charcoal, is a spiral.

Tulem's knowledge of the mythos increases to +3

The Rat Thing peers from the shadows, scouring the area for fresh prey... it brims with a strange confidence, feeling a heady rush of ... invulnerability? (perk #1 chosen!) (resteemed)

The Rat-Thing sniffs the air, filled with a sense of deadly clarity. The sewer is its home, it's kingdom. Bad things only happen when it leaves, so why leave?

There is the problem of prey however... The Rat Thing can eat one of his mindless followers if his survival demands it, but rat-flesh is tough, and devoid of many of the more... spiritual nutrients that he craves.

Prohibition is a good time for a Rat-Thing to be alive, many young folk scurrying about late into the morning, intoxicated and taking dangerous back alleys.

Like the young couple he peers at through the storm drain. They stumble along Willow Ave, moving farther and farther away from any functioning street lamps.

The man is fat, filled with meat. Which is for the best, because the woman he escorts is rather trim, mostly bone. Unfortunate, but bones have marrow, so still a meal worth pursuing.

The man gropes his date for a moment, and she giggles. It's as good a moment as any. He commands several minions to make a move.

The Flapper's giggles turn into shrieks as several bloated rats emerge from the sewer. The Fat Man pulls a revolver out of his suit, and thumbs the lever cockily. Good that the Rat-Thing decided to hang back, this man is not to be trifled with.

Shots ring out in the night, and his brethren lay twitching on the sidewalk. Will this bring others? Perhaps...

The Fat Man drops his gun as he goes to return it to his jacket, an opportunity too good to pass up. As he bends over to pick it up, The Rat-Thing slithers out from the storm drain. The Flapper screams, but this only confuses The Fat Man.

Easy, too easy. The Rat Thing bites the back of The Fat Man's neck, tasting the nerves between the vertebrae, and then severing them. The Fat Man collapses, soiling himself immediately.

The Woman screams in horror, and then gurgles in pain as she feels his claws pierce her windpipe.

The Rat-Thing and his friends will feast well tonight. They have not had fresh meat in weeks. They bring their prey down into the sewers, and as The Rat-Thing cracks the bones and slurps their healing mush, all thoughts of his previous life are temporarily forgotten.

Mythos increases to +2

I'm still alive? I mean of course I am.

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