Crafts: Blackwatch Genji's Shuriken (pt. 2)
Hello Steemians! I'm drawingwithflare.

I'm back and today I came back to my Blackwatch Genji Shuriken. I still haven't finished it but, but I can assure you now that I'll finish it tomorrow. I ran out of glue so I can't attached the parts together. So yeah. Sorry for this since it's kinda a super ambitious project on my behalf, having only hand tools and no powertools to speed up the process. Hope you guys understands.
In this craft, I used 80cw sandpaper, glue and superglue, utility knife, vice, pencil and eraser, black and white paint, and ofcourse the popsicle sticks.

So first, using a hacksaw, a utility knife and sandpaper, I removed the wood on the curved part of the blade. It was a big pain on the back cause the utility knife can't smoothly cut it without cutting certain parts I need.

Then I sanded of the blades to atleast making it look sharp. It took about 3-4 hours just trying to get it symmetrical and believable.

At the bottom of the blades, there's a space needed to be cleared out. I really want it to look the same as the real genji shuriken so I used a hacksaw to remove the piece completely and make a new one cause it will be easier than sanding it down.

And then, I sanded it so the new piece will fit nice and snuggly.

And after that, I remembered that the middle connecting piece needs to be thicker than the blades. So I added two more popsicle layers on it. I did it by making a two layer popsicle base and outlined the middle piece there. I also made small circles for the sides on the middle piece.

Then I use a hacksaw to remove unnecessary wood to make sanding and refining much easier.

And then, I sanded it to where it's just a bit bigger than the middle piece and glued it to the piece so I can get a much more perfect fit piece.

Then, using the 80cw sandpaper, I smoothed the small circles I talked about earlier.

And then, I sanded the middle piece to the point where it looks like it was made like that.

Then, I made the pieces that will connect the blade to the small parallelograms and numbered it so I know which goes where.

And then, I cut them out using a utility knife and the hacksaw.

Then I glued it to the blade and the parallelograms. It took a bit of adjustment to get it to fit right.

Then I sanded off the corners of the middle piece so it wouldn't be so sharp.

Then I used a chisel to smoothed the edges of the parallelograms. Cause they didn't seem to match the blade well.
That's basically what I did. I kinda backed myself in a corner since I don't have anymore glue and I can't use a drill. And my father's asleep. So I guess see you again tomorrow to see if I can finish this seemingly impossible hand crafting journey with me.
Thank you so much! My name has been Flare and Bye!!!