Crafts: Blackwatch Genji's Golden shuriken made from popsicle sticks (Finished)
Hello Steemians! I'm drawingwithflare.

I'm back and today I finally finished the Blackwatch Genji Shuriken! I have been working on this for the past 4 days and it's worth it... I think? And it's gold cause no better genji player without a gold weapon am I right?
Part 1
Part 2
In this craft, I used 80cw sandpaper, glue and superglue, utility knife, vice, pencil and eraser, Gray, Red and Gold paint, and ofcourse the popsicle sticks.

So first, I wanna get the hole in the middle piece done. I was gonna use a drill to speed up the process but unfortunately, I broke the drill bit on a test piece.

So, I used a bunch of nails, and screws to pilot a hole that lookd really nice in the end.

And then, I was gonna glue the small circles I made yesterday to the middle piece. But I apparently have thrown them away so I created new ones.

And then, I draw the lines where I need to sand for a bit more depth.

Then, using a decently long screw attached to a popsicle stick, I created the dents on the middle piece. I did it on both sides.

Then I used a utility knife to make notches on the part of the blade that will attach to the middle piece so it will fit in just right.

And then, I glued the blades to the middle piece. At this point I knew I made the right decision making this. I felt the relief of making something that took a little less than a week.

Then, using the same screw, I created small dents on the blades like the ones on the picture.

And then, I painted the red bits... you guessed it, Red.

Then, I also painted the parts of the blades that has to be gray.

And then, I painted the rest with gold like the golden shuriken in game.
That's basically it! I spent four whole of my days just to create something I won't ever use in the future. I mean I've got the time so why not do it right? It was fun creating this masterpiece (in my opinion) of a work I made from hand tools and my hands! It feels great finishing it and I think I might make more.
Thank you so much! My name has been Flare and Bye!!!
This is creativity... Keep it up
Thank you @kayode12! I sure hope I can!