Dixonart Sketching #17 Evil and Good-Surreal PENCIL DRAWING 原创手稿 # 17 超现实主义绘画-美与丑

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Every one of us has two sides,most of the time better version wins with its positiveness. However,that's not how this world works. When we are under pressure or get bothered with some messy work,bad one will reveals itself and try to take control of our mind. It's certainly important to have both these two balanced,for our own good. Appreciated everything we already have in our life and everyday will be a good day for you. That's why I did this drawing today,to remind everyone be positive. Chorocal pencil and Fibre Castell color pencils are used for this drawing.

Strike down the negative and stand up!

日常生活中,每个人的内心其实都有两个自己,一个是积极向上充满爱的自己,一个是易怒暴躁的自己。没有人会愿意让后者来接管自己的意识,残酷的事实却往往不尽如人意。迫于生活的艰辛,上司的责骂及各种让人产生负面消极情绪的因素,那个易怒的自己似乎每天都会占据不同人的身体,上演着不同的故事。扎到一个平衡点很关键,心里没事回想些那些让自己快乐的人和事,就可以把负能量的那个自己永远的关在小黑屋里,让生活中充满爱和阳光,所有的事情不是会变得更加的美好吗?在这个锱铢必较,尔虞我诈的大背景下,我认为很有必要提醒大家找到曾经那个开心快乐的自己,故今日作此画。 希望大家看到后有所感悟。
final work

-Drawing progress








Though we may face many challenges in our life,biggest enemy of us ourselves,the eveil one gets you angry and do things you regret. It's never to late to bring up the good one inside of us!


Drawing for me it's fun,I like to draw when I got a pic in my mind.I get inspired by things I saw ,places I've been or people I am talking to. CHEERS!!

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Awesome drawing

thank u,my friend. I will keep it up!


抽象中带着具体,o 耶!

I like this artwork

well done

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