Art and video: A collaborative process making collage.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

My dear friend mailed me some collages he made, and it was my job to DESTROY THEM! (He is an artist in Toronto, and I am in Montana).


The stack of stuff he mailed me

As you can see, he ripped up some books (gasp!) and magazines, and rearranged, wrote on them, drew on them, etc.

Stack of collage.jpg

I ripped some of the collages up into tiny pieces and rearranged them physically. I then took photos of them and put them into Procreate and drew/wrote on them. Below you can see some of the process.

Collage 1: Alice reaching for hearts

Here is the image that he made

Alice 2.jpg

And then this is what I did to it.

Alice 4.jpg

Time-lapse video of me painting on it

Collage 2: Stop Yelling!

I have all these weird particle boards that I have been using to try different processes. I decided to glue bits of collage onto the board, and then I took a picture of that, and drew on it in Procreate. That drawing on the paper is my friend's.

Dnc 2.jpg

Dnc 1.jpg

The Final product

Stop yelling.jpg

The Video

Collage 3: A Comic

I love this collage he made and I didn't want to rip it up, haha, so I just drew on it in Procreate:

Comic 1.jpg

Comic 2.jpg

Collage 4: I Know What Love Is

I made this one from the photo of the first image at the top of this post.

Its more subtle and simple, but I like how it turned out, with all the scratchy writing etched into the purple "paint".

I know what love is.jpg


Ok i like people too but... this project has been on hold for like a year because of that job I recently left. I was physically and spiritually drained at all times from working overtime, witnessing children's trauma, and trying to help those children in a broken system. My art studio became a storage room, and everything got all lost and discombobulated. My spirit is much happier now that I am no longer a participating in a system that was against my values!

Setting my studio up this week for artmaking and Steemit is a very pivotal, affirming, and important moment for me! I cant explain the feeling I have, in trying to trust my creativity and future in this way. Its actually hard to force myself to take some of the steps because while I feel positive I also feel terrified! I leapt without much of a net and I have a kid to feed and a house to not lose. Which is kind of terrifying when I think about it. However the prospect of staying at that job was even more terrifying to me.

When I worry, I freeze up. Every day right now I coach myself to take those baby steps and not get stuck in fear. I should watch that movie.. what was it? With the baby steps? Too lazy to look up, someone tell me, LOL

When I find the rest of the materials in the wreckage of the last year, I hope to continue working on this! I love this project! I hope I continue to grow on Steemit so i have the time, energy, and motivation to finish this. One day we would like to put this work in an art show... i hope !

Thanks for dropping by!


dflo pink.png


You see, the ability to turn the seemingly destroyed into beauty to me is the highest height of creativity and that's what you have done here. I must say I was very well mind blown by the awesome art I found right here. This post is worth my resteem as an art lover and creativity. Because I'll love to see more, I'll give you a follow.

I was physically and spiritually drained at all times from working overtime, witnessing children's trauma, and trying to help those children in a broken system.

One of the most honorable decisions we can ever make in life is not betraying our conscience. I'm glad you've been able to do what you think is morally right and trust you would get some support right here on steemit . Especially with your level of creativity, I'm quite optimistic with you. And with that art shop up, I'm sure we'll get to see more creative works.


Thank you so much for your comment and support. I was trying to last the rest of the school year at my job (it was in a school) but in December I just had a breakdown after witnessing an unscrupulous thing done by an administrator.. it wasnt the first thing and it will not be the last.. but i could not spend my life force and energy be a part of that messed up reality any more, even if i was "doing good" within it. I will miss the kids and some of my colleagues, but it was the right decision for me. --- what art shop?? :)

Setting my studio up this week for artmaking and Steemit is a very pivotal...

I guess I called a "art studio" a "art shop". You can bring us a detail as soon as you set that up. I can very well relate with your condition. It's tough decision to leave the people you love when it is necessary.

Oh! I thought you meant here on Steemit! Yes setting up a space to create and phograph work will help tremendously. It is just a spare room in my house but it makes a huge difference to not use the kitchen table, etc.

Yeah... Good luck dear...

This is SO cool! I want to try something like this sometime!

Whoa really cool surreal art. Glad you got a studio set up and are ready to create more. Keep creating, infinite lovewaves.

What wonderful collaborations! I always have these ideas to use traditional and digital mixes and I never get around to it, but this is the perfect example of that, super cool, is your friend in steemit too?

No, he isnt. I am trying but none of my artist friends have joined yet ... I shared this post with him though and he is seeing the nice comments :) . Thank you!

Wow. They look amazing. This gives me an idea of collaboration with my drafting students.

Would love to see something like that from you too. Let's get creative haha.

Woah, so cool! Followed you!

I'm really glad @juliakponsford resteemed your post. You know that feeling you get deep in your gut when something resonates so strongly with where you are at? Well I just got that feeling when I read your post. First off, your art colab is amazing! I will follow just so I can see more like that. Secondly I will follow because I am so right where you described you are right now. I just left a soul sucking career that was mentally and physically killing me in hopes of reinventing" myself. Over the last few years my job had single handedly suffocated me of my lifeblood, creativity. In the midst of all of the uncertainty in my new transition I found Steemit. What a recharge! So much inspiration on so much.
Don't want to get wacky with some long winded comment but just wanted to say that it feels good to know that I'm not alone in making big changes and trying to get myself back.
Keep up the creativity! Looking forward to seeing where your new path leads :)

Steemit is really a life saver haha...

Thank you for your comment!! I don't mind when people write longer comments! Its nice to learn what people are thinking about as a response. I am truly here for the community aspect and this is how we do it! :) I have actually been kind of wasting away creatively for years. I was at that job for 2.5 years and before that I was in grad school and just didnt have the bandwidth. I have managed to be creative now and then but something usually comes up related to having to work and survive, to kinda derail me. It is so profound to have so much support right now. It means the world to me. I am wishing you the best and I will follow you back !

WOW!! You are fantastically talented, as is your friend. I love your interpretation of art & the way the word is portrayed by you. I enjoyed seeing the process of how you create, you have so much intensity in the way you do things. Honestly, I'm blown away by what the two of you have conjured. You should definitely display your work in an art show or gallery, I absolutely think you can achieve that & go places as a result.

Thank you @stellarbelle! It means a lot to be encouraged... I am so weirdly afraid to really get going again! I am making posts of some of the unfinished work so I can try to be more accountable to myself to finish these things! Its very sad though, I looked everywhere today and can't find the envelope with the rest of the collages he mailed me :( So send me some vibes that its not accidentally thrown away!

This is pure magic!!!!!!!!!!! swoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such inspiration!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you it means more than you could know to have such a response! When I make stuff I do it for my own delight and curiosity and its just really amazing when other people get into it!

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