At Home with Woolly and Roary

Here is a little strip of my 'tribute to @organduo' pair of characters. Do visit @organduo and follow his pinkyandspiky tag. It's so funny
I made this strip a few days ago. I wasn't going to publish it but I need to now, as I have to earn enough for the Artstorm prizes. There will be no income from the Easter holiday as I couldn't post then so go for it Wooly and Roary ... make me a few cents :)

Roary behaves sort of like Spiky...
Spiky is Roary's hero.
What kind of animal is Roary?
Roary is a lion. That's why he is so lazy :)
Oh, that makes sense... Looking forward to seeing more Roary and Wooly adventures!
Hahaha Woolly made me laugh as I look at panel four : Woolly is like SMH (scratching my head) 😁
Yes, she is frustrated by Roary's behaviour, hehe :)