Character design #1 - Steampunk Cat
Two weeks ago i started working on a color palette challenge. For every single color palette i have to create a different character. So far i've done two characters using the "Anxiety" and "Constant Rambling" colors.
This time i got the "Damned If I Do" palette, with some shades of pink and gray.
Deciding witch color i'm going to use for the skin and for her hair was the easy part. But deciding how to make a woman with pink skin interesting wasn't easy at all.
I tried to give her some different things that would make her unique. First i tried to give her some magic orbs or flames, but i didn't liked the look of it, then i gave her some guns but she was still boring to me. And, as stupid as it sounds i just put some cat ears and a tail on her and called it done.
But while i was shading her body and face i could see how her concept would fit in a video game universe and in it's story, that game being League of Legends.
With that idea in mind i started to develop her more and come up with some ideas.
I wanted to give her a steampunk look and a frightening attitude.
But once i was done with putting the ideas on paper i noticed that i did just an other sexy character, nothing really appealing in the way i want it to be.
I wanted to create a character that once you see her you would want to know more about her past, what she is doing now and what she wants to do in the future.
But i do want her to look a little seductive, so she can use her beauty in order to manipulate people and get information.
So, since i did complete the color palette challenge with the pinks and grays i can change her skin and hair color, which i will do.
I don't really have any specific colors in mind at the moment, so i will try all kind of combinations.
The to do list for this character is to find a physical appearance that would fit the sneaky, agile cat theme. Right now she looks really fragile, sure she can fire some guns but if she would get into a fist fight i don't think she'll get out victorious.
An other task on the list is to find her an outfit that would let her move a lot more than a tiny skirt or a long dress, but i do want to keep the corset, it fits the steampunk style.
The last task on the list is to write her backstory that will fit in the League of Legends universe, maybe some ideas for her in game abilities too.
Any kind of feedback or constructive criticism is more than welcome!