Sacred Geometry Mandala For 10.21.2016 [ meditation original artwork ]

Hello everyone around the world. Today I've created another unique mystical piece for you. I felt happy making this one.
When I make these I really try not to think of much, but just create with no thought. The shapes end up guiding themselves. This one in particular was free flowing like that. This one came out well, imo.
This and the last one I've made have been in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to move around to see what they offer differently. Perhaps sometime I should make a video showing them being built from scratch. This one would of been great for that.
If you like this mandala be sure to sift through my blog to find the others. For awhile I was making them everyday so they go back a few months.
If you like my original sacred geometry mandala's you can now buy some buttons using Steem$ on Peerhub:

Thanks everyone!