Recursion - Dreaming of a Dreaming Cyclops

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I have been dreaming of my cousin Horny Clops. I may have mentioned, there is not a lot to do in this cave. As far as I know, Horny Clops was the only other living cyclops left in this world... before I ate him a few years back. I try to keep up a positive outlook in my posting here on Steem, but I have to admit - it gets to you sometimes. That heavy, oppressive feeling that you are the only cyclops left in the world. Depression is a blanket that I wrap myself up in. I haven't left my cave in two months. I have lost 257 pounds.

I think my art is the only thing keeping me alive right now, to be honest. Back to my dream - first I was chiseling a floral pattern out of an oak slab when I became aware that I was carving a stylized portrait of cousin Horny.

Horny Cyclops 8v2.jpg

There he was, looking up at me in my dream. I looked away and my eye was drawn to the full moon above. I could not move in my dream as the moon began to run down the sky in rivulets of liquid color. The moondrops pooled in the carving of Horny Clops and I knew he was returning to take his revenge.

I woke up last night in a pool of sweat. I could not sleep again until I captured that moon-drenched maniac of a cousin of mine but my palette of colors could not replicate the moon magic. Try as I might, I can not duplicate that dream face which is staring up at me every time I close my eye now.

I have not closed my eye in nearly an hour now.

A haunting thought. What if I have not failed with each successive portrait and have in fact summoned Horny Clops one step closer with each until now he is breathing outside my cave and I can hear him in the darkness snuffling in anticipation of the feast?

Getting closer now, getting closer. But I am so tired. So very tired.

Going to close my eye for just a minute.


You ate your cousin?
You must have been quite hungry
But now you're lonely

-- Another original Cyclops based Haiku.

Aw man, i needed that soooo much right now. Come here you. Cyclops HUG

Psychocyclodelic!!!!! I just made that word up ... just now...for this post... and that's a new word. Enjoy.

Mon ami j'aime cet mot. C'est vraiment le mot parfait pour un psychocyclodelic cyclop. Merci!

ok already I vote. do not forget to vote back

I will eat you now thanks

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