Why Am I Afraid When I Create Art?

in #art6 years ago

Art is scary.

You wonder if it will turn out properly. You hope your point comes across clearly. Your nerves are on high alert when you share your work. All of this is scary.

This is because art and fear are linked.

Not just linked, but inextricably linked, meaning that art and fear cannot be separated.

That’s a strange idea for artists, because so many of us are waiting for the fear to go away.

“I’ll share my art when I’m feeling braver.”

“I can post what I’ve written when I am more comfortable.”

“I need more experience before I can confidently share my message.”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the fear isn’t going to go away.

Art calls upon you to be vulnerable by sharing something personal about yourself. Being vulnerable is a scary experience. Therefore, art and fear go hand in hand.

It’s better to accept that the fear is here to stay.

Learn to do your work, despite the fear you feel.

Art is scary, and that’s okay.

Banner made by @Zord189

Main image created in Canva; underline credit


Because art is like putting a piece of yourself out there. It's part of you and feels like if people don't like your art, then they don't like "you"... which isn't true, but it is really hard to separate ourselves from our creative projects. At least that's the case with me.

It is terrifying to put yourself out there, but so SO fulfilling when you do it and succeed with what you set out to accomplish!

I couldn't agree more about the confusing your art with your personal identity. That's why it (needlessly) hurts so much!

I, too, find this to be a problem, whether it is art, writing, photos, or whatever. I edit, re-edit, and re-re-edit my posts and still hesitate before I press that "POST" button! But yes, sometimes, we must just dive into it, full force. Thanks for sharing this commisserating viewpoint in #steemitbloggers so we know we are not alone in our feelings!

Nope! Definitely not alone. Being a little scared is a natural feeling. It's part of the excitement of art. Thank you for your comment. We're all in it together!

I never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense, @chrismccron. Time to start using the fear, instead of letting it use me! 😊

This was a tough lesson for me to learn. I've spent a long time waiting for the fear to disappear. I've only realized recently that day is never coming!

Maybe you should try this...



lol... Hm... I am a bit skeptical it works like that ;)

Hey, it can't hurt to try, right?


On second thought... LOL

It is so scary. I used to write all the time but no one saw it. It was sort of just for me. Starting to post it was so nerve wrecking and I still get like that so yes the fear never really goes away.

And it's normal!

The good news is, the feeling of fear will in no way harm you. It's a seemingly unpleasant feeling, but we can learn to tolerate it.

I've made a lot of progress with fear and art. My main challenge now is remembering that the fear is not a signal to stop or back up. It's just part of the process.

I'm always afraid of the art/writing not turning out well in the end. But how will I know if I don't try!

Yep! And that fear will probably never entirely disappear. That's totally fine!

By sharing it is the only way we will find out what others enjoy, art is something I really have little talent in being able to create a piece of work.

Photography for me is my art form, nature, trees, clouds all speak volumes, keeping me happy.

Go forward bravely and see what others say @chrismccron

Thank you! I will! Enjoy taking photos and don't get caught up in the results.

I strongly agree! Most of my works are very personal that's why it takes a lot of courage for me to share it.

Good for you for sharing it. I think you will always need that bit of courage to put your art out there. I am glad it's working for you so far!

It is true. A few years ago, I was too shy to show my art to anyone and decided that I shouldn’t. Big mistake, because without audience, it’s really hard for me to find motivation to draw.

Art is both fear and love, linked together.


Your drawing is really great. I just had a peek at it. I am glad you've found the courage to share it.

Thank you, Chris.
It's good to read your thoughts about fear and art, knowing that other people share the same feeling.

Yes! You can't be all alone with those thoughts. It's a very isolating feeling. That's why I like to write about art and the creative process; it helps us all not feel so alone.

We all have our fears in life and we must learn how to control them when
they show up. @chrismccron

Control and expect them I believe. We are often surprised when fear shows up. But like I said, I don't think that it is ever going away.

This so true. One of my fav quotes is

Fear is the mind killer

I have it written on a piece pf jewelry and waer it when im feeling particularly nervous.

I love being creative but dont share a lot of that work as its just playing around. Thanks for the reminder.

I think that I am just playing around too! But perhaps if we play enough, we'll become very good at what we choose to do and share every day. Thanks for the comment!

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