Abstract Fractal Textures
Some more Fractal textures generated with JWildfire and enhanced using Google deep dream.
This one is reminiscent of a cuttlefish or an octopus.
Not sure what to call this one.
Some manipulations of the mandlebrot set
Another cuttlefish, or possibly Cthulu?
A stylised version of Cthulu
Here are links to some of the tools I used:
For more, please check out my previous posts on fractal art:
This is amaziiingg.!!

Thank you!
Cooooooolio! yeiihhh - i did mandelbulb+deepdream "turtles and insects"
That's awesome! I struggled a bit with mandelbulb when I first tried it so I've been experimenting with other softwares... Mandelbulb can do 3D stuff right?
Fractal Geometry of Nature is a fascinating read. Also, relating to finance Mandelbrot wrote a book called 'The (Mis)Behavior of Markets" which is an absolutely fantastic read if you are interested in the practical applications. Awesome pics!
Thank you! I had no idea Mandelbrot did work in the field of finance, probably fractals are just so fascinating that his other work was overshadowed.