Alcohol has been an important part of our culture for a long time:
During the medieval era, clean water was so scarce that our ancestors fermented grains to create a very weak (3% ABV) beer so they didn't contract any water-borne illnesses.
Midwives began brewing very strong beer to ease pain during labor.
Ancient Egyptians were brewing beer LONG before the middle ages, and even paid laborers in beer. Pretty cool, huh?
Absolutely beautiful work from an absolutely beautiful woman!
You're too good to your wife, @sariun! Your support means the world to me~ <3
another stunning piece of work!
I am admiring your talent and thank you for offering it to all of us!
Thank you, that's so kind of you! It makes me very happy to share my illustrations with Steemit and to see them so well-received. :)
Hmm looks like we cannot resteem content that's over 7 days old. Or am I blind?
Awesome artwork and an even awesome-er idea!