The Ghost Of Drawings Past.

in #art8 years ago

I drew this when I was about 17 I think. I still had a hella lot of hobbies, but they were mostly art related and I spent the greatest amount of my time working on my drawing and sketching techniques back then. I can't remember how long this took but it did take me quite a while to complete, I remember that.

I freehand copied the image from somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember where or what now. I think it was originally a piece of movie art and maybe had something to do with one of the Bond 007 films but I can't remember that either. I didn't know that at the time, I just liked it so drew it. I was never completely happy with her face, but I was okay with the rest of it and at some point you have to just stop on a piece and move on.

When it was finished my dad had it framed for me and it was always on a wall somewhere in my home. I often used it as a reminder when I was experiencing one of those phases that we all go through when we start to question our ability to do anything right. When the lines weren't going where they were meant to go or that look in someones eye was suppose to be joy but turned out more a mix of, 'I just ran over your cat', 'I really need to pee' and 'I'm going to kidnap you and feed you to my chihuahua', I would take a deep breath, look up at that drawing, shake it off, and keep on going until the wind shifted and the kinks were worked out.

On the day that I moved in with my husband, I placed this picture carefully leaning up against the side of the couch, directed my husbands attention to it and said, 'I'm putting this here so we can hang it tomorrow so be careful and don't break it, okay? You break it, you will be required to fix it immediately. I spent a long time working on this and its important to me', which was all met with earnest agreement and understanding. The next morning from the kitchen I heard a nondescript sound, a muffled sort of thud, a sound of glass shattering, and an expletive. He had, of course, bumped his foot into it, knocked it flat and then stepped on it accidentally in his panic of trying not to step on it.

He did not fix it immediately. Or ever. At some point he wrapped it in newspaper and stored it in a damp shed. Then under a trampoline in a damp box. When I eventually unwrapped the newspaper 7 years later to see what was under it this is what it looked like.

Words were had. I dealt the 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed' blow. We're still married.

I've been thinking since I joined Steemit about what I want to create here, if I wanted to make it just about one topic of interest, which if you read my introduceyourself post you would understand is quite impossible for me. In the end I came to the conclusion that I'm just going to let it be all encompassing and share whatever I feel like sharing at the time.

There will be common threads and reoccurring themes but its not going to be somewhere you always find a post about fishing, actually I can pretty much say for certain its somewhere you are NEVER going to find a post about fishing. But some of the time it's probably going to be my artwork or photography or creative writing. One of the oldest pieces of my work that I can lay hands on, or at least lay hands on a photo of right now, seemed like a good place to start. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. And if anyone can pinpoint the movie its from please share with the class.

Hope it's been or is going to be a great day for everyone and remember, #dontbeanarsehat - well, you know, unless there's a good reason to be. Thanks for stopping by.


Fear not as the stain was destined to be, you may have even willed it into being with your initial comment or cautions. I also think it ads depth and intrigue.

Evidently I should have spent more time commenting or cautioning about winning the lotto then shouldn't I? : )

I thought the stain was part of the very nice art work, nice to meet you @brookethechicken

Ha, thanks @reddust. Nice to meet you also.

I thought it was a huge wall mosaic at first. Great drawing work though!

Thanks @art-vandelay. I can see how you would see that, it kind of looks a little like a dirty concrete wall at first glance.

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