in #art6 years ago

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



“We’ve come a long way”, said the Chief of Police,
“Our activities as crime stoppers, we never can cease”
“The streets are a battleground, as you well know.”
“Villains and crooks, always on the go.”
But what about white collar crime?
We only ever hear of that from time to time.
“Precisely! Just proves my point!”
“It’s blue collar crime, that’s so out of joint.”
“Such is committed by violent thugs.”
“Epidemic it is, often driven by drugs.”
“I want you all to be out on the beat,”
“Patrol these streets until you have sore feet!”
But, Chief, we’re Patrol Car cops,
Usually we make traffic violation stops.
“You’ll all be issued with auto machine guns”
“And be trained in SWAT tactical runs.”
“We’ll expect you to bag a few thugs each night.”
“Failure to do so will indicate somethings not right.”
“We’ll declare a State of Emergency there,”
“And see if these thugs, on the streets do dare!”
“Each of you will be given an arrest quota,”
“Woe betide any who don’t fulfil the rota!”

But, Chief, if we shoot anyone,
Without provocation, due cause, on the run.
We could be guilty of unlawful killing,
To endure the penalty for that, we’d be unwilling.
“With a State of Emergency, to such matters we don’t look!”
“In fact we’re able to throw out the rule book.”
“It’s only one step away form Martial Law,”
“Yes, it’s true, no use dropping your jaw!”
“We can, in fact, introduce the firing squad,”
“And, providentially, we have such a nice quad!”

The Chief of Police was now carried away,
By the undeniable fact that he held such sway.
“I would like to think I could count on all of you,”
“Should I decide upon a police coup!”
“We could readily take over this land,”
“Shoot criminals on sight, to make a stand,”
“Yes, a stand against crime, and not before time.”
“Create a Nirvana, with conditions sublime.”

Just then, the Lord Mayor walked in to burst the Chief’s bubble.
“Hello, Chief, I trust I’ve not caused you any trouble.”
“I’m so sorry to break into your soliloquy,”
“But you have no audience, as you can see.”
And it was true, all his men had gone.
They had realized the Chief was off his scone!

a step too far.png


A crazy Chief of police sounds very dangerous!

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