
Très très beaux dessins ..j'adore ..Bonne continuation @barbara-orenya

oh how did I miss these cute Ellis <3

Coucou Barbara,
Le bonheur d'avoir tes enfants et le printemps semble t'avoir beaucoup inspiré car tu nous a réalisé un superbe portrait de la famille éléphant.
Ils sont mignons tout plein !
Le printemps commence à s'installer ici aussi.
Je te souhaite une très bonne journée,

Merci ma chère ! oui c'est infiniment agréable d'avoir de belles journées après cet hiver si humide, pluvieux et interminable...on se sent tout revigoré et prêt pour de nouvelles expériences ! ^_^
Une très belle journée à toi également !lovesender minuscule.png

Hello friend @barbara I loved your post, I am very interested in the combination, very fun and cheerful colors, that is a congratulations beautiful happiness

Aww! I am happy for you my dear Barbara, that you had a great time with your kids!!! The painting is amazing, super cute! Such love emerging from that one!💗🌸🌺

Thank you my dear ! I'm always so happy spending some time with my children, they give me the best love and the most refined joy just by living happily their own life ;-)

The drawing are trés beaux. You are a very talented and gifted illustrator:)

Thanks much Pryde, I love to spread my joy...LoL...Have a fantastic day !^_^

He made me smile ... you have a great day too, Barbara:)


You are such a talented and wonderful artist! I always love your color choices!

I wonder if this might come from the fact that I never overthink my colors, I just use the ones I feel drawn to...and I outrageously break the rule of not more than 3 colors also...LoLLoLminuscule.png
Thank you much for your appreciation @icybc and have a cheerful day ! ^_^

Breaking the rules is good, lol...that is what the rules are for, guide line, but you heard this "think outside the box" too, I am sure :-)

i only just discovered your art. love the colourful style!

Indeed I don't know how to do other than colorful =D Thanks much for your appreciation ^_^
romeo fleur.png

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