One simple way to always have many ideas for your project or book
Most often people lack the ideas for their project or a book , so they are stuck in a big loop without a real way out of it. But even if we say that its a loop there is a way out and thats creativity. You are siting on your bed or chair for hour, hour and hours and still nothing, your head is empty and you dont have even one idea. What should my project be about ? What should my book by about ? What to write about ? Days are passing and you are still clueless and not even near perfecting a great idea for your project. What if I tell you that its not that hard writing a good book , geting a good idea for a project, creating a nice program or video game, and all that you need is imagination. Think of it in this way , while you are trying to think of one idea , a perfect idea , why dont u combine your ideas and form something new and perfect. While writing a book there are a few things that you need to think of, insteed of saying a i am going to write a love story and then your brain goes blank. Its much better to think of small details and combine them to form a love story something perfect where you will know the path that you must take. So for an example I would think of cancer , moving to a new city , living alone , girl , to make to short lets just live it as it is. And then with just a few words you can combine a meaning , a boys mother dies from cancer and now he is all alone , latter he moves to New York cause he has relatives there that helped him inroll in a new school, his loves goes no where he has no one , he lost everything but then he meats a girl whose smile like a sun to him.... This plot sounds easy going cause I just thought of it while writing this post. It has no real meaning its just to show you that with just a few words that come out of your head you can form a story. You dont have to think of every detail by detail. The same goes for video games if you think of what kind of game your making , and then use the same method you can create your own story and create a perfect game.
This method maybe doesnt sound right to you, but it sure helps me when I need a idea for my games or programms.Let me know what you guys think of my way of thinking down below.