Man Paints Sexual Encounters He Had With Aliens
74 year old David Huggins claims he has lost his virginity at age 17 to none other than a female alien, when he was living with his parents on farm in Georgia, he also claims he has seen strange creatures since he was 8 years old and is now father of many extraterrestrial babies.
This sexual encounters with alien life forms have allegedly continued through adulthood, the last one being only 6 months ago according to Huggins, with a female extraterrestrial he calls "Crescent":
“I was sitting down in a chair, and the woman, Crescent, was behind me, and she put her arms around me," he said. "And that’s about it. I don’t know anything else outside of that."
Huggins started painting these encounters in 1987, after he has read the book "Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods." by Budd Hopkins, which he says triggered memories from the supposed erotic encounters with aliens.
“It was like a compulsion. I was being led to the book, there is this chapter ‘Other Women, Other Men,’ and I start reading it. And I go, Oh my God, this is the woman I never told anyone about. As I was reading it, memory upon memory came flooding back. It was image upon image. They wouldn’t stop. I think what bothered me the most is I didn’t know what to do with it. I was so scared.”
Check out some of his painting bellow (mild NSFW warning, due to titties and full body nudity.)

Also checkout the full article about David Huggins by VICE: