The Rust Belt Treasure

in #art8 years ago (edited)

The Rust Belt Treasure

I was looking for a cast iron manhole cover, the kind which Japanese have turned into a form of art in itself. But that's perhaps the subject for another story.

If a long story is not something that you were expecting, here you can enjoy a short video that I put together which cuts through details. Don't forget to scroll to the bottom and comment though!

Rescue Mission

During my search for a manhole cover something came up on eBay and immediately grabbed my attention: it was cast in iron and a centerpiece was round in shape. But that's where the similarities with the manhole cover ended. The antique item was a bas-relief fireplace surround and screen, rusted but beautiful.

Back in times without the air conditioning fireplaces were used to heat the living quarters, but obviously people didn't look just for utility. They wanted to decorate and that's how upscale houses got these fancy "summer screens", which were used to cover the fireplace opening when not in use.

Now I definitely wanted that piece. I even had a fireplace that fit the size.

But I wasn't the only one: 9 other interested parties were watching eBay auction. I suspect at least a few of them were biting their nails, that's how tense this online auction felt. The intrigue: seller was in Pittsburgh area - about 1500 miles away from where I was - and did not offer any form of shipping option whatsoever, local pickup only. In about 10 minutes I realized I must travel and pick the darn thing up. I snatched the lot off the market and started packing for the long trip.

To be completely honest, I was just looking for excuse to have an adventure, to see as many states as I could in a few days and to test drive my new SUV in a cross-country journey. In hindsight, that worked in all kind of ways.

Fast forward, after 2-day dash I was there knocking at the front door of the seller's house in Donora, PA, with some chemical plant spewing dangerous fumes behind me. I'm sure they wouldn't expect me to be real, after all who would be willing to drive 1500 miles to pick up a $150 piece... But I was there and my beautiful antique item was waiting for me. Seller could provide only scant detail on where it came from: apparently from demolished old house in New Hampshire.


Once back home, I had a brief lapse of judgement when I considered restoration of this thing at the garage by myself, lacking any experience of course. But I was terrified knowing I only have one attempt and if unsuccessful, my unique antique will be forever damaged. So I found a shop that specialized in restoration of metals - their specialty is mostly in church brass fixtures/door knobs and silverware, but they were feeling adventurous and took in my treasure for rehab.

My requirements were pretty simple: get rid of the rust and make the scene stand out.

I really wasn't in a hurry and gave them as much time as they need. Well, they took all of it: 2 months later when I called they said they were not very excited with the result. We agreed they would give it one last try and that will be it. And try they did, look at that, wow…

These guys were not very happy showing what they've done, but it certainly looked fantastic to me. I think they are true artists and perfectionists, very modest and humble people.

Now the mystery is still out there: who was the original artist, who are the characters in the scene and all that juicy background. Before I go to apply for Antiques Roadshow, I'd like to try and summon the powers of the steemit community: if there's anyone here who can help find out the background related to the subject, I would be forever grateful.


Welcome to Steem @aterso I have sent you a tip

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. :-)

Welcome to steemit,hope you will enjoy your self!!!!!!

FUN PosT !!! - )))
... intriguing STORY, and well told !! - ))
ThankS !! - ))

... looKING forward to more ! - )))))

greb'Z )

... PumpeD and reSTEEMed !!! - )))
... and trusting tHERE will BE a FoLLoW UP StorY ?? - ))
... and EspeciallY 'if' YOU take IT to the ROAD-SHOW -)))
... a STEEM road-show ??????? - ))
... ha ha)))

Wooow ... i missed the V_iD !!! - ))
... the deTAILS and DeeptH from different angles !!! - )))
nice 'choice' for the MusiC TOO )))
... )))

HoneSTLY ... your post, an UNexpectED treasure !! - ))

... i kNOW i would have scROLLed right by IT ... -((
... if i was just on youtube !!! - (((

... this STEEM is just so curious !!! - )))

FeelinG compelled to ... try NEW things, and support PASSIONS outside of my "BOX" ... and i've got to say, ... IT FEEL S GREAT !!! - )))

SO many GEMS ... in L(if)E ... unNOTICED - (((

YET NOW, this PLAN_eT ... FEELS .. different .. lighter ???
... i've felt 'something' since mid-may ??? - ))

NOW that i'm HERE ... i SEE IT EVERYWHERE !! - ))
... and i ENJOYED finding IT aGAIN ... thROUGH YOU !!! - )))

BE WELL ... and find the StorY !!! - )))
... pl-EASE - ))

ha ha )))

I'm with you on that, dude. However the way your comments are styled makes me want to read them in Zed's character!



ha ha ))))))
ThanK YOU !!! ... age 46 here, ( i hear your hand, slapping your forehead -)) SO YOU just lit UP someTHINg in me .. that had LONG PASSED !! - ))
... going to BE a FUN DAY !! - ))

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