Wow! This is awesome!! At a first glance I had no idea this was handmade, especially wood burned part :O Would love to see and touch it in person hahah :D
Thank you. I want to make a Skyrim set and then a Fallout set. Nuka Cola kinda branding.
The Frozen Hearth doesn't sound particularly welcoming XD Those bar signs look great! :D
Haha all the taverns in Skyrim have rather forboding names.
I love the way the wood-burning gives these a three-dimensional feel.
You have me thinking I need to give Skyrim another visit. Really need a better computer for it though. :-/
Wow! This is awesome!! At a first glance I had no idea this was handmade, especially wood burned part :O Would love to see and touch it in person hahah :D
Thank you. I want to make a Skyrim set and then a Fallout set. Nuka Cola kinda branding.
The Frozen Hearth doesn't sound particularly welcoming XD Those bar signs look great! :D
Haha all the taverns in Skyrim have rather forboding names.
I love the way the wood-burning gives these a three-dimensional feel.
You have me thinking I need to give Skyrim another visit. Really need a better computer for it though. :-/