
this is an awesome idea! Im totally going to give this a go

I would be so happy to have more artists take up the challenge.

I completely missed this one! I have been busy busy busy. Maybe I draw this cat that is currently lazing away on the bed!

Nice work, deer!
Seriously though, it looks great. I also indulge in CLDs, though your style is a bit lot more refined than mine. I've got CLD scribbles all through my current sketchbook, synchronicity noted. ☺

Love to see you take up one of these challenges from time to time. Do you have that sketchbook upped? You should really do a sketch dump of your favorite pages.

Yes, It's been a while since I've participated in any challenges. My current sketchbook is prolly 95% offline as of now. Your interest in the sketch dump has also been noted. I never stopped sketching, just haven't been posting outside of origami. I'm a daily sketcher too, you see. How many more times can I incorporate sketch into this comment, meow?

My current sketchbook is prolly 95% offline as of now.

It is like you have just told me that you have a diamond mine hidden in your backyard. And you're all like "Aint no thang" just a diamond mine. "Just sitting on all these diamonds... Don't know if diamonds are worth much, so I just sit on em. You know... Diamonds - Ain't no thing but a chicken wing." And I am sitting here thinking. "Did she just say she was sitting on a diamond mine?"

Ha! Okay, the matter of the sketch dump has been settled. Coming soon!

This was fun :D As hard as I remember tho xD I had to force my hand to stay on paper haha. It got a bit easier at the end. Will make a post after I make a few more ^^ Ty for sharing the challenge

AWESOME! I love it. For a 10 minute exercise-It turned out great!

Thank you! :D
Would you mind if I made a small tutorial contest based on this technique? Sort of like my previous bird contest. Without the time limit, because I have people without experience joining ^^
I will mention you and your friend and this challenge :D
This would probably be ready in a week ^^

by all means - there is no prize pool here or contest awards - it's just


Where we are all about the speed baby! A challenge really to help me and @jimdraw get faster at the traditional sketches. Next weeks brief will probably be way different from the continuous line drawings.

So please recommend our artistic tag if you think your following might like to go for speed.

Yeah I certainly plan to make a post with the tag and to mention it. I have some artists following who might enjoy the speed challenge :D

Sweet idea! And your drawings are amazing :D Continuous line drawings are pretty damn hard xD Will definitely try it out tho as soon as I can^^

DO it!! Very good for your skills over time. Forces you to embrace the page quickly instead of focusing too much on one little thing.

The results are just amazing. I have tryed this technique some yers go and it was a big mess xD

Have you done a skech before?

Have you done a skech before?

Like continuous like this? I had to do them all the time in college as a warm up exercise - I still have some disintegrating papers with nude life models done in this format.

I cant imagine doing this continious drawing in one step. Thats why i thought you do a lighter sketch before this continious one.

I have to try this by my own xD

Hello, very creative work of doodle in control, I like the challenge, I will try to draw a picture to see how it comes out. I find it fun. Your drawings are great.

Great idea for a contest! Might have to give it a try when I get home from work.

It can become very addicting.

Thats Cool!!! upvoted!!! resteemed and follow you! Have a nice day and don't miss to visit my blog too! Have a nice day and great draws!!!

And Dude your skills are just phenomenal stop drawing so beautiful sketches....I am getting jealous because I can't draw a mountain properly

Just takes practice - join in on some challenges and you will be on your way in no time.

I can never be bad at drawing

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