365 Drawing Challenge #2 - Lazy Beginning
Hi Everybody !
I must say that it was a pretty long and hard week... but not because of the drawing challenge !
(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them)
What does this mean? Well... there are several different types of artists when it's about 2D arts. But mainly there are three:
Sculpture Type Artist: They conceive the physical space on the canvas. They are very related to the painting type of artists (due that they pain mostly with areas of shades). They see everything in light and shades. Mostly in values.
Painting Type Artist: This is my type! is the type of artists that works with the shapes, stains and a lot of mess on the paper. And then it cleans. Very passional, I think this is the most passional side of the spectrum.
Drawing Type Artist: This is where I am aiming! These are the most analytic guys out there. They know where to put a line to make it look and feel in the way they just want. To make the whole object or piece look with nice proportions and definition. They love to put information, some kind of hybrid between rendering lovers and crazy clean guys huehuehue.

A strong beginning I must say!

Oh please don't even look at this one, it is sh!t at it's maximum.

I think you already know this one ;). Remember? Boobs? ;)

Here I really wanted to put all the little knowledge I got until now into a whole character design. I think it really looks nice. Reminds me Lineage 2 RAD designs. Probably gonna use this posture for a sci-fi design.

Your drawings are superb @anritco. I hope you will have well done script to draw the right stuff. Steem on!
Thank you !
Very nice. I love your drawings. I'm getting back into as well thx to steemit, lets see if I can pull of anything similar to yours. :)
if you do, drop me a line! =)
Your work is awesome really admire your drawings - great concepts -and I like how you "let it all hang out" - what I mean is yah we are always improving. For years I did drawings that were so stiff... and I mean painfully so. I posted them on my old site. Yep - I think it encourages us to press on - to keep drawing and hopefully improve. I really like your style!
Oh thank you! Although you should never give up to it, you just keep doing and getting better, finding the path to your talent and to yourself =))
Whaaat, those are amazing!
Thanks man!
your drawings are superb. keep it up
how do you put tones with out touching the line art?Do you just dodge it?
I just set the blending mode for the lineart in multiply (if I added any white), I make a base with the shapes to paint over it and then just add few different gran values =)
Those tones , if used properly, can give a pop on my work...Thanks bro...Check out what Ive attempted bro..Its not that good yet, but I enjoyed doing it.https://steemit.com/marveloustales/@tediursa24/marvelous-tales-6-draft-1
I would first go back to the fundamentals in your case, because I see you struggle also with the shapes and anatomy. You also repeat a lot the same pose, like X standing shape for all your characters. You could add some dynamism by changing these postures and guide the eye to the next frame.
I also see that you don t work on the backgrounds almost in any frame. Try to put these things together and I am sure that toy will have a great improvement =)
I get what you mean there...It was a draft really...It didn't undergo any study and I was in a rush doing it.And the background...I don't have time for that...Everything was just pushed in..But thank you for you're advice...I'll follow that.
I love your style. You have a lot of talent. Do you work in the video game?
Thank you! Yes indeed. I last title I worked for was Injustice 2 Among Gods =)
I like your style!
great art... Thanks for sharing. Eagerly waiting for more post. followed you...
I am also a fantasy style artist, following you now. Maybe one day we can get to know each other. Cheers and keep up the good work.