The PI Song - A Melody Made From Math
Just had to share this :)
I tried making music from the Bitcoin blockchain once or twice but it didn't sound anywhere near that good.
Credits go to YouTube user aSongScout for performing this masterpiece.
Just had to share this :)
I tried making music from the Bitcoin blockchain once or twice but it didn't sound anywhere near that good.
Credits go to YouTube user aSongScout for performing this masterpiece.
Could you include the words next time, please? ;)
Upvoted @anomaly for sharing this wonderful melodious piece. The first time I know its existence. Wanting more to listening such music...
It is beautiful, thanks for sharing it. Pi is a magical number, more the human who got it, who no one knows.
already had 300 years old. We are talking of century XVI a. C.
Ahmes is an egipcian who transcript the number from some other paper that