Pure New Zealand landscape 'plein air' painting at Te Wherowhero Lagoon near Gisborne

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, I was away a bit on the East Coast of NZ with my family. We went camping, and spent a week exploring the Gisborne area.
Its a beautiful place with lot of inspiring epic scenes to paint.
I loved the pure untouched beaches, the lagoon where my darlings picked some shellfish while I painted a small painting.


This white cliff is the landmark of the area what can be seen from Gisborne beaches near the town centre.


We travelled a bit to have a closer look, and found a pretty spot called Te Wherowhero Lagoon. It was low tide, and it was a pretty epic scene, was asking to be painted 😊
I made some quick step by step process photos of the painting.



After a while it turned more cloudy, and the cliff was in shade. I was waiting to capture the light when it reflects from the cliff. It was only lasting for a few minutes and I took some photos to use for reference for the next painting. It was such a peaceful untouched piece of New Zealand, I wish to spend more time painting that landscape.


Here is the finished painting:



After I signed the painting we got ready to leave the sun started to set, and shine trough the clouds highlighting the white cliffs. My jaw dropped and I could not take enough photos of this light effect.
Im hoping to paint a large canvas about this experience.


I guess I could paint this cliff over and over as the light changes, it has so many different colours and moods...

Thanks for reading, give it an upvote if you like what you see, I welcome your comments thoughts and questions below.
I hope now I can catch up with the previous portrait painting I started before.
Happy Steeming! 😊


I love pleinair paintings, never tried to paint myself, outdoor. I guess it's always a challenge to capture the moment. I like the cloudy one you have made, and I'm amazed by the lights of your last photo.

Thank you 😊 if you are a painter you should try plein air painting. Its challanging, and it can teach you a lot.

Egy kicsit irigykedem, hogy ilyen varázslatos helyen éltek, mindig vágytam Új-Zélandra. De ha belegondolok, előbb-utóbb honvágyam is lenne, ha hosszabb időt eltöltenék ott. Annyi bizonyos, hogy egy festőnek ez ideális helyszín!

Koszi 😊 tavol vagyunk igy igaz. A honvagy neha elkap engem is, viszont a csodak amik itt ernek kompenzaljak a honvagyat.

Annyi bizonyos, hogy ott nyugodtabb az élet és az emberek pozitívabbak. Itt én kivétel vagyok, ufónak néznek, mert folyton vigyorgok, idegenekre is képes vagyok rámosolyogni, szeretek bolondozni, míg a nagy többség morcos, ideges, folyton rohan - pedig lehet hogy sokkal jobb anyagi helyzetben vannak, mint én. Ebből is látszik, hogy a pénz nem minden...

Az jo, egy mosoly mindent kepes megvaltoztatni.
“Semmibe se kerül, de sokat ad. Gazdagabbá teszi azokat, akik kapják, és mégsem juttatja koldusbotra azokat, akik adják. Egy pillanatig él csak, de az emléke örökké megmarad. Senki sem olyan gazdag, hogy meglehetne nélküle, és senki sem olyan szegény, hogy ne lenne gazdagabb tőle. Boldoggá teszi az otthont, táplálja a jóakaratot az üzleti életben, és a barátság biztos jele. Nyugalom a megfáradtnak, napfény a csüggedőnek, világosság a szomorkodónak, és a természet legjobb orvossága a bajok ellen. Mégsem lehet megvenni, elkérni, kölcsönadni vagy ellopni, mert nem áru, csak önként lehet adni. Mert senkinek sincs annyira szüksége a mosolyra, mint annak, aki maga már nem tud mosolyogni!"
Dale Carnegie: Sikerkalauz

Dear Artist ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon ! Take a look at our latest posts : To Honor Old Masters Thanks !

Thanks a lot 😊

I love painting 'plein air' this looks wonderful. It's a bit too chilly in New England right now to do it though. Really wonderful result.

Thank you, I have seen people painting in freezing conditions, beautiful snow covered scenes. Just keep yourself warm and dry, keep things simple and just do it, dont let the weather hold you back. You never know what painting you can bring home.

That's so true. Now, any plein air for me this time of year is more 'cafe air' as going out and painting now in our rain is more about what I can see out the window of a cafe' :)

Great to see your post after a long time thanks for sharing :D

Thanks 😄

Hey its great! How much time did you take to draw it? I really admire your toil and the concentration..All the best!

Thanks, it took me about 1.5 hour. Its only a small 8x10" painting. I was kind of stretching it out waiting for the sun to come trough. Normally I would spend an hour to capture a scene on a small canvas.

I hope you don't mind me popping this here, but I am posting an invite to a Discord group some of us created to hang out in together - go kiwis! Would love to have you join us. :)
South Pacific discord invite link:

discord invite

I will suss it out, I didnt use discord before...

Wonderful, I will look out for you. It is just a chatting site, although it can be a bit overwhelming for first-time users - at least that's what I found when I first jumped in. :)

Wow this is really amazing to look into the painting is very nice :)

precise details i can see this is outstanding work in the middle there :) resteemed

Artwork is on level of excellence looks so surreal just like the view in photo wow

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