Budapest. Master class. Sketching. Day 1
And here I am in Budapest, I paint with markers from nature under the guidance of a teacher. Today, the first task was the Sececa bridge across the Danube. We had to draw the bridge design as we see it: to distinguish the main and the secondary. At me it turned out here so:
And this is almost all the sketches of participants in our master class. We analyze the errors and get further instructions:
As it turned out, all have the same problem with a clear outline. The outline is missing! Therefore, everyone was given a new task - we need to draw monuments and small architectural forms, highlighting only the outline:
And turning to the buildings, just highlighting the outline:
This is a very fun and interesting task! Well, the day ended with nocturnal sketches and drawing of color spots:
I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
P.S. We lost my daughter's favorite toy (Owl)! Apparently, the owl decided to live in Budapest ... who knows how Ikea works (a toy from there, it was this toy that helped me launch a contest for ideas for stickers!)? I understand now in Budapest holidays and we can not get into the store ... A toy is very needed now!
Thank you for watching!

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Столько рисовальщиков, аж дурно становится! Чем хоть они живут? Неужели кто-то покупает картины?
Или это у них хобби?
у большей части это хобби. Но тут есть и дизайнеры. Скетч это же в первую очередь "свой взгляд" на окружающий мир. Какие-то определенные законы построения картинки, чтобы все было гармонично.
Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.
Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.