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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition5)

in #art5 years ago

-Raise Sails," cries a little infant from the helm of a ship, "Let us sail towards the shores, until we surround the walls of the enemy, -all in their posts, ready to attack, the little captain continues shouting. Suddenly big explosions sound, a projectile has hit the ship and it begins to sink, the desperation of the crew prevents them from organizing themselves to maintain control of the ship, the infant captain falls into the water before the onslaught of a big wave and the collapse of the ship. At that moment the child captain falls to the ground from the bed, realizing that it was a simple dream of adventure.

Translated with

-¡Eleven Velas!, grita un pequeño infante desde el timon de un barco, -naveguemos hacia las costas, hasta rodear las murallas del enemigo, -todos en sus puestos, preparados para atacar, sigue gritando el pequeño capitán. De repente unas grandes explosiones se oyen sonar, un proyectil ha golpeado la embarcación y comienza a hundirse, la desesperación de los tripulantes impide organizarse para mantener el control del barco, el infante capitán cae al agua ante la embestida de una gran ola y el colapso de la nave. En ese momento el niño capitán cae al suelo desde la cama, dandose cuenta que era un simple sueño de aventura.


Hi @adeljose

thanks for the great story from my digital photo

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