Fuck You I am an Artist

in #art5 years ago

This post was inspired by the latest happenings in my illustration hobby. After spending some time reflecting about what I have accomplished so far and what experiences it has led me to discover, I came up with six words that sums it all up.

I know this blog isn’t going to get a lot of readers but I’m publishing it anyway because fuck you I’m an artist. Screw this world and the meaning that lies in its turbulence. There is no absolute meaning to it but the meaning one would be willing to believe.


With that in mind, I think everyone holds their own standards on who they will acknowledge as an artist or not.

As much as we want to be objective about judging someone based on fixed criteria, it’s not a clean cut when the subject of art is involved. Should we be judging someone based on their lifestyle? What they do with their works? How their works came to be? The purpose of their works? And the list of questions can go on but the bottom line is that an individual or a group arbitrarily imposes there qualifications.

You’re not an artist if nobody acknowledges you as one. Is this the absolute truth? I don’t know. We’ve all been programmed to work with the labels ascribed to us by the society we are in. Maybe I should wear a beret and have my clothing paint stained? Keep a mini gallery at home? Or talk about revolutionary art? Or change my form of media used into something traditional just to fit into the damn stereotype.

When was the last time you felt that you had to prove yourself to anyone else that your craft is art and you are the craftsman?

Do you have to earn from your works to be an artist?
Do you have to have a minimum fee set to be called a professional artist?
Do you need to be paid all the time to be an artist?
Do you need to have a certain number of years of study to qualify as an artist?
Do you need that fancy certificate to be an artist?
Do you need to need to be mentored by someone to be an artist?
Do you have to have a degree or be acknowledged by another party to be an artist?
Do you have to have a specific media to express your craft?
Do you need to consult another party first before creating your works so that the output be called art?
Do you have to spend a lot of time making public relations for constant validation of your status as an artist?
Do you have to make it known to many that what you do is art and you are an artist?

I find it ridiculous to be minding all these things when I just want to make something because I want to. But who am I to say something against the status quo when I don't have a degree to show about it right?

Because any respectable artist would not do so and so…
Because real artists have studied so and so…
Because real artists have spent years perfecting so and so…
Because real artists live off from their works…
Because real artists have a guild membership...
Because real artists are revolutionary thinkers…
Because real artists create works that make you feel something…

Does the value of art become directly proportional to the price tag or the credentials of the person that created them? I don’t think cavemen minded these social constructs when they were expressing themselves through cave painting.

I don’t have the heart to tell to someone studying art that they can’t call themselves artists until they get a certificate or make a living out of their art works. I don’t have a heart to tell someone that worked a art piece that what they made isn’t art unless it makes their audience feel something because it has to.

I’ve been giving away my pencil portraits, doodles, painted murals, and became a part time cartoonist for a local newspaper. Everything about my works were self taught because I want to commit to it. I do get paid occasionally but not enough to make a living out of it. I don't need to make a living out of it.

I even threw out my old doodle portfolio out of frustration that pointilism, minimalist art style, and just paper and gel pen will never make me see what I do is art. On an unrelated note, that doodle portfolio ended up on a tattoo artists hands and they used my designs. I guess they are the real artist because they made a living out of my trash.

But I guess I need to spend some years learning in a structured institution and get that Art Degree to be accepted as a real artist? If that’s the reality I have to accept, then I suppose I’ll just be calling myself a fake artist from now on. The elites can keep their standards and we can go our separate merry ways because fuck them I’m a fake artist. Just strengthens my conviction

It no longer bothers me to think what I create isn’t art. I’ll earn from what I create because I enjoy doing it and not because I’m pressured to create to put food on the table or because I had a certificate to show for it.


You have expressed everything I feel :) . Thank you, it's a brain explosion. You rock!

Thank you for reading. I think most artists that commit to learning their craft would feel this way once in a while.

Actualy it is the moment you say fuck you i am an artist that you become an

I had moments like that too and thinking the same things from time to time. You know that none of these really matter. An artist is not a person the way it is described by the art world. And that because art world is a system created for profit and to conserve the status qvo. Check the most succesful artists in varous fields, you will see that most of them are children or realtives of a person in the artworld, If not they are associated with a person like that. Check all the talented singers who died young so that the companies sell their records for ever. Check the art schools where the techers create copies of them through the students in order to keep on prospering through their connections. What about the paintings that are soldfor millions of dollars that some people can wash their dirty money?

None of these have to with art but this the art world in general. Myself i sometimes feel like an artist and sometimes dont. I used to give a lot of care in what moste people said about my artworks and i was very sensitive to critisism. I discovered also that some bad intented people can easily manipulate you through it. Anyways at some point i stopped caring much and feel much better now.

I totally agree with this. I didn't consider myself an artist until I can start thinking about reinventing the wheel for each art piece I made. I thought that by illustrating stuff would I ascend to that level. The concept I held was illustrators look like artist but they just paint pretty pictures while the real artists are those that provoke some deep sense in their art. Now it's just trying to do what I want to create because I'm having fun being creative and the compliments may or may not come.

Social media is a double edged sword when it comes to sharing art. People think that no upvotes or likes equate to their works being no worth. It's not. History proves that the old masters got most of their recognition after they died. Not minding the critics is the first step to accepting not every work we do is art for everyone but that doesn't automatically mean all of what we do isn't art.

I'm glad I got to meet people on the blockchain like @kothy. I saw her old blogs and watched her grow as an artist because she's passionate about it. It took months before she creates art the way she does right now and the experience is amazing seeing artists grow and you happen to be there from the start.

This is the right way of thinking:) Do art for the joy of creation and do not force yourself more than you want. I have made almost 1000 artworks in my short artistc life so far. Do you know how many i sold? much less than 10%. But i did them just because i liked the process. I am the biggest fan of my artworks and spend countless of hours admiring and feeling great about being the creator of them:)

This is all that matters. There is only and the artwork, all the rest is outside.

What happened to the 90% of your works? I know the feeling of being attached after completing something you worked hard on. Best accomplishment to finish and then have it appreciated by someone else.

I have them all at my studio😊 some a little bit damaged but most are ok. I switched from making handcut to digital because I did not have more room to store art, lol.

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Fuck yeah! Thank you for posting this. I did go to school. Got a degree in drawing and painting. Took me six years of full time, hard core work. I bet very few people here think i'm an artist or even care. I've had my music, drawings, painting and photography used by others for profit with no credit to me (or money either). I made art before the internet and after. When i got paid and didn't. Just kept doing it because. Because? Well yes! Because if i don't i go nuts :)

I often find myself here on steemit wondering why THE most valuable thing is words and writing. As if every creative field is worthless without an expert writing about it. Oh boy, now i'm lost in an endless rabbit hole tangent with all that.

It takes guts to just say F... it! I'm an artist! Bravo!

This blockchain doesn't reflect real value in terms of rewards much like the world we live in. Yes, that's a sad reality to know that few know you're an artist and many won't even care. We can't just go blurting out we are artists because we think so and so. I do think there are several forms of art and some forms have more depth that others but nonetheless they are still art.

I think the struggle for any artist that pursue fame is being haunted on whether their art will be palatable to their audience. It's not like we could please everyone with our form of art. But I'm just happy that I cold create some stuff other people would want to have for display once in a while.

Congratulations @adamada !
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Could you please stop improperly tagging every post you make "Philippines"

If the post is specifically about the Philippines then the tag Philippines could be used. The way you use it is improper!

As an abuse fighter you should know better than this. If you don't stop you will be removed from anti-abuse curation trail.

The tag serves as a way to find other local artists in the blockchain. I occasionally get upvotes, resteems, or comments from new names in the local scene. If they got some art blog going, then I follow up through discord. Newcomers don't think about browsing the pages looking for "art", "artzone", or whatever niche art post tag are out there, they look for "philippines".

I could just add a few paragraphs on how it related to the Ph since it's a rant, something along the lines of "Ph artists lacking in depth to their posts somewhere there" if it satisfies your criteria. kr, cn, and ph serve as identity tags.

But if I had to mind something as petty as using the tag because it's improper, the trouble ain't worth it. Please remove me from the curation trail.

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This is interesting. I think art can be music, dance, acting, 3D, digital, etc. it doesn't have to always be painting.

I agree. I just had an itch to post this out of annoyance from the condescending art critics who can't continue to live with the current times. New generation. New art.

I say who cares about labels anyway? I don't care if someone calls or thinks of me as an artist or a rabbit, it's what I THINK of myself and what I do for myself that really matters. Even if people say you are or aren't something doesn't change who YOU are @adamada :) Art on!

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