What is Barack Obamas Civilians Army?
"As far back as the 2008 presidential campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama let slip a vision for his own personal civilian army."
"THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
"Four years ago this month—on July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.” He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”"
"Did Obama have a plan back in 2008 to truly build a civilian army which would have in its arsenal millions of rounds of ammunition, tens of thousands firearms of all types, and armored personnel carriers? If so – what comes next? Is there some danger that we are not aware of that the government is prepping for? Is the government preparing for some type of massive civil unrest in major cities across America? If so – what would cause this civil unrest?"
"President Barack Obama has big plans to change the United States. Most frightening is that he can back up his Machiavellian plan with a personal army that targets any real or perceived enemies, even if it means killing American citizens without trial or arrest."
Obama's 'civilian army': It was the students all along
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