ARMPIT ODOR, NO MORE! Easiest DIY deodorant with only 3 ingredients. It works!
Armpit odor is not truly the smell of perspiration as commonly assumed. The human body actually produces odorless sweat. It is in fact the chemical changes caused by the bacteria while they break down the protein into acids which is the origin of the armpit odor. But how do we stop this? I mean, for just at least a day.
Smelly armpits may make you self-conscious, even though this is a problem most people have dealt with before. Commonly known as body odor (BO) and technically as bromhidrosis, malodorous armpits usually aren’t cause for concern.
In this blog, we’ll be making a DIY deodorant with the use of three ingredients only. Yes, you read it right, THREE INGREDIENTS. It will only cost a teeny weeny of your money and it surely can be preserved for a many months because you’ll only get a tiny amount of it.
DIY deodorant is more reliable than some deodorants. Because some deo are BAD. Yup, some deodorant is bad. Antiperspirant varieties kill off good bacteria and have been shown to actually increase body odor. They also contain aluminum, which has been linked to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
But in this blog, I’ll show you how to make your own DIY Deodorant, EASY PEASY.
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder
5 to 6 Tablespoons coconut oil.
Put the baking soda, cornstarch, and coconut oil into a bowl. Stir with a spoon until fully combined and creamy.
Move the coconut oil mixture to a jar with lid or other container.To apply the deodorant, dip a clean finger into the mixture. You only need a tiny amount. Rub the coconut oil mixture into your underarm area.
This certainly works. Proven and tested! It is because our most important ingredient here is the Coconut oil -- which contains lauric acid, a fatty acid known to kill bacteria that can often cause sweating with odor in a person’s armpits. Apply it once a day, but if you’re exercising or it’s particularly humid, dry off and then re-apply. (It goes on better when your skin is dry.)
You can also apply a scent into it by just simply adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil when combining the ingredients. Although the fragrance of the coconut itself is soothing.
• It's easiest to fully combine the deodorant when the coconut oil is warm & liquid-y. If yours is solid, put 5 to 6 Tablespoons of coconut oil into the bowl by itself. Then microwave for 30 to 60 seconds until melty. Then continue adding the remaining ingredients. If you'd like to skip a step, feel free to mix the coconut oil deodorant in the jar instead of mixing in a bowl and then transferring it.