Armillaria autumn (Armillaria mellea)

in #armillaria8 years ago

Armillaria autumn most of the representatives of Armillaria lives in the stumps. However, Armillaria meadow is a kind of exception to these rules, because it lives on open grassy spaces. Mushrooms Armillaria have a total of 34 species, of which about 22 described species. However, the mushroom is best known Armillaria summer, Armillaria winter, a honey agaric autumn, such as those that can be safely eaten. Read more about them.

Armillaria winter. Edible mushroom belonging to the family Radojkovic. In different places, Armillaria winter known as the "flammulina bratishova", winter mushroom, enokitake, collybia Bratislavskaja, monks.Mushrooms of this species, mushrooms-parasites grow best on damaged trees deciduous trees dead wood of willows or poplars on the banks of streams, gardens, Park areas and forest edges. Bears fruit from autumn to spring tight little groups, but sometimes it can be found under the snow.

Mushroom has a cap diameter OT2 to 10 cm, flat, from yellow to orange-brown. Young mushrooms, the cap of which is convex, the edges lighter than the middle. Tubular leg and a dense velvety brown color, length of which reaches 7 cm Flesh tint winter thin. Plate rare, adnate.

The fungus Armillaria autumn. Being a parasite, Armillaria autumn is able to live on more than 200 species of trees, sometimes even parasitic on potato. Growth occurs in large families, often on stumps, illuminating them at night. The autumn mushrooms are most often found in wet forests, on stumps of birch, aspen, elm and alder. The harvest begins in late August and lasts until the beginning of winter, provided that the temperature does not drop below 10 ° C heat. Hat autumn honey agaric reaches 17 see young mushrooms it is convex in Mature flat with scalloped edges. Color varies from greenish olive to dark brown. On the surface, the young representatives of the rare flakes of a light shade, disappearing with the growth of the fungus. Leg autumn honey agaric reach 10 cm in length, light brown, surface covered with scales. Plate rare, adherent to the leg.

How to cook mushrooms?

Some types of mushrooms require pre-cooking prior to further cooking due to their toxicity. Cooking time varies from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the fruiting bodies of fungi. After boiling, drain the water and cook in new water (preferably previously boiled)..

Marinated Mushrooms
Recipe :
Marinated mushrooms for the winter. The recipe is very simple and most importantly fast. Tell how to make marinated mushrooms for an hour.

Of what to prepare marinated mushrooms

For preparation we need the following products:

1 fresh Scotch, preferably a small, overgrown, with thick legs
2 water
3 salt, sugar
4 acetic acid
5 Bay leaves
6 cloves
7 garlic

How to cook pickled Armillaria

The mushrooms must be carefully sorted through to remove debris. Especially in our case, since we collected Armillaria not only stumps, but to take those which grow on the ground. In addition, ground mushrooms are thicker and soft feet, they like that better.

Then rinse the mushrooms under running water. Put in a pot, fill with cold water, shake, sprinkle with salt and put it on the stove.

Bring to a boil, allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes and be sure to drain off the first water, because it contains all the harmful substances that might be in the mushrooms. Well, it just looks ugly, all black and dirty!

Again, pour the mushrooms clean with cold water and put on the stove. At this time, allow them to boil for 20-30 minutes, then recline them in a colander.

It's time to cook the marinade

The marinade for the mushrooms

In a saucepan, add cold water and put the pot on the stove. Add salt and sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar in 1 litre of water. Add Bay leaf and a few cloves of garlic. Throw a few cloves.

After the water starts boiling, add 1 tablespoon of 70% acetic acid.

Pour in the boiling marinade cooked mushrooms.

Give them a little to simmer, not long, about five minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and put the mushrooms in a clean jar. Immediately fill them almost to the brim with hot marinade.

In the end pour into each jar a little vegetable oil.

Banks closed lids and set aside to cool. Store the pickled mushrooms in cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

You can eat them after a couple of days, but will try to save them until the winter to the long winter evenings to remember at the table of the summer.


That looks pretty good! I do like pickled mushrooms. The cooking you do is an important part of the process. I'm not sure what the "Scotch" is that you have in the list. Is that the alcohol Scotch, like whiskey?

In places that I have lived in North America, people have to be very careful when they pick Armillaria mellea, to identify each and every individual mushroom. A key feature is white spores rather than any other color, especially brown. Brown spores are bad! That's because we can have Gallerina autumnalis and related Gallerina species growing out of the same wood. People get so enthusiastic about picking big clumps of mushrooms that the Gallerina get mixed in. And Gallerina are so poisonous. When I lived in Michigan, there were several years where people died from Gallerina. And even with good medical care, a liver transplant has been the next best outcome. That said, honey mushrooms are a great edible mushroom. Nobody should be scared of them -- they should just pay attention to detail!

Enjoy all your Armillaria!

Yes you are right ! When collecting mushrooms, you need to be very careful!

That's why it's good to have descriptions like yours. If you could just add a line or two about the source for your images, I would really like to include this in the @foraging-trail. Thanks!

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