An example of the Astro-theological meanings of ‘religious’ myths

in #armageddon6 years ago

An example of the Astrotheological meanings of ‘religious’ myths

Revelations 12, from the ‘New Testament’, appears, on a superficial level, to be John of Samos’ vision of Armageddon, the final battle between good and evil, in which good ultimately triumphs over evil.
However the deeper you delve into all the ‘religions’ of the world, especially those spawned by the Cult of Judah, the more obvious the astro-logical basis of most ‘religious myths’ becomes.
Were the ‘survivors’ of the ‘Younger Dryas’ catastrophe encoding some important information they wanted us to have, in the form of easy to remember, and retell, and thus preserve, stories?
Had they managed to predict the movements of comets/meteors, and wanted to warn us, so WE could be prepared for the NEXT catastrophe of ‘Biblical’ proportions? Have the Cult of Judah decoded this data, and prepared for THEIR survival, with underground cities which only THEY will get to use? Is THAT why archaeology, the study of ANCIENT history, has been the victim of at least as much censorship and misdirection and misinformation and propaganda as more recent history, such as ‘The Holocaust’, and the REAL reasons the occupied U.S.S.A / ‘Jew’.S.A and ‘Jew’.K (under Cult of Judah puppets Wilson, Roosevelt, and Churchill) declared war on Germany, and utterly destroyed Germany, so the Cult of Judah could occupy it, and the rest of the continent. In the one case openly, in the form of the ‘Jew’.S.S.R, and in the other, unobtrusively, as ‘West Germany’?
If the ancients anticipated something occurring at a particular astrological / astronomical date, they could encode their prognosis in the form of a story, using metaphoric language, and analogies. This has been a typical ploy of wise sages throughout time. To speak wisdom in the form of parables. To use analogies to explain complex concepts, more simply and in ways anyone who desires to, may understand.
What was the general level of understanding of astronomy among the ancients? Perhaps it was much more widespread than today. The stars would have been more visible to more people, due to less ‘light pollution’. And people would have been more dependent on the stars for navigation (they were clearly great ocean navigators) and basic orientation, in the absence of maps, GPS, or compasses.
I stumbled in upon the whole ‘number 12’ business early, and found it embedded deeply in music theory, and in the megalithic constructions megalithomania and other YouTube channels have made me aware of. Along with authors like Graham Hancock, and Brian Foerster.
Astrology has kept an interest in astronomy and astronomical measurements alive long after navigation by the stars has become redundant, thanks to compasses, accurate chronometers (watches) and maps, not to mention GPS. The idea of being able to predict YOUR future, is compelling. But what is hidden behind all the ‘hocus pocus’ of astrology is the science of astronomy.
Most of us can relate more to astronomy easier via the 12 signs of the zodiac. They are a useful way to describe the night sky, and movements of the ‘heavenly’ bodies. The stars and planets. And the ‘noble lie’ of ‘fortune telling’ (like the ‘noble lie of alchemy’) ensured that this knowledge would be valued by people in positions of power and wealth, who would thus finance its study, and teaching, and thus ensure the preservation of the knowledge of the ancients.
Once you call a particular constellation ‘The Virgin’, and name the various planets as ‘Gods’ and ‘Goddesses’, you have the basis for great metaphoric narratives. You can speak of a ‘god’ being ‘born’ to a ‘virgin’. And be speaking about the movements of various constellations and planets in the night sky.
The most obvious example of this is the reminder to ‘await the return of the messiah in the HOUSE of the WATER BEARER. Which even I recognised as a reference to the Age of Aquarius. I was born in 1968, the year many people consider the Age of Aquarius, or at least the ‘transition’ to it, to have begun. Though, perhaps, technically speaking, the year 2160 might be the actual start of that ‘age’.
But another date ‘speaks’ to astro-theologians’. That of September 23, 2017. That date passed without any obvious ‘revelations’ or ‘Armageddon’ (the ancient Greek term for ‘revelation’). But that is NOT to say that something didn’t happen that most of us didn’t notice.
The ‘events’ described by John of Samos in Revelations 12, obey a 7000 year periodicity or cycle. An astronomical event which, thanks to the naming of the constellations and planets involved, can be ‘transcribed’ or ‘encoded’ into a neat story of a woman with 12 stars above her head, the moon at her feet, and the sun to her left. Giving birth to a god. The god of peace. Shilo. Quetzalcoatl. VeraCocha. Jesus. A ‘messiah’.
Now the Cult of Judah ‘core’ believe the ‘messiah’ will deliver the Cult of Judah control of this plane-et. With all the ‘non-Jews’ to become the slaves of the ‘Chosen people’. But the Cult of Judah ‘rebranded’ its own cult, and installed its own ‘controlled opposition’ in the form of ‘Christianity’, which promises the non-Jews that THEY are now the NEW ‘chosen people’, and that the messiah will deliver THEM from the horrors of this world, and utter in a ‘heaven on earth’ for ALL people.
So John of Samos’ astronomical metaphors were included in ‘The Gospels’ (Ancient Greek for ‘Good News’) a.k.a ‘The New Testament’. The extension of the Torah that promises those who the ‘Jews’ consider their future slaves, a ‘heaven on earth’. Which will it be? When the controlled opposition is finally exposed, you are going to find that, the ‘Wizard of Oz’ behind the curtain is the Cult of Judah, and that Marxism, Islam, Christianity, and all the other less obvious Cult of Judah controlled oppositions, have been setting us all up for a fall. That the ORIGINAL promise of the Torah will be fulfilled for the Cult of Judah as the EXCEPTION. With the rest of us the victims of their 3000 year strategy to enslave us.
John of Samos’ metaphors were INTERPRETED by the Cult of Judah Agents / Affiliates known as ‘Christians’, to offer hope and the promise of great things, after some ‘tribulations’. The Cult of Judah even convinced millions that they would be ‘raptured’ up into heaven BEFORE the ‘tribulations’, and thus be spared them.
For some reason the Cult of Judah is keeping a strict timetable. They probably know about many things most of us have zero idea of. Because THEY have ensured EXCLUSIVE ownership of that knowledge. Those insights. In their tradition / ideology of ‘exceptionalism’. With THEM as the ‘exceptions’ to the rule.
Anyone familiar with the work of David Icke (possibly controlled opposition based on his derision of karma and recanting of ‘The Holocaust’ and absence of any direct VEGAN message), will be familiar with the metaphor / character of the goddess with 12 stars around her head. She is depicted as the transvestite holding that torch in New York (intended originally as a statue of a male Bedouin and repurposed for this new role). She is depicted as ‘Columbia’, just as she appears in the Hollywood film company logo. The European Union flag is her ‘halo’.
Are YOU aware of anything special having occurred on September 23, 2017?
Well this is what DID happen. Astronomically. And it fits John of Samos’ ‘predictions’ pretty much perfectly. And if THIS, after the more obvious ‘House of the Water Bearer’ reference to the ‘second coming of Christ / the messiah’, doesn’t jolt your brain into recognition of the astronomical basis of most ‘religious texts’, I wonder what will? (Yes that last was a bit of NLP!).
Do a ‘jumping jack’ with your arms up and out, and your legs apart. That’s pretty much the constellation of VIRGO, ‘The Virgin’. Why did we end up with such a name for this constellation? Is there anything compelling about this formation of stars that screams ‘I am woman’? Does it LOOK like a woman? It reminds me of the Bass player dancing in the ‘Talking Heads’ movie. Very sexy I must admit. So maybe it DOES look like a woman? Or THAT was the metaphor / imagery the ancients wanted US to retain, in order for them to send us a warning, 13000 years ‘down the line’? Or simply to have fun with, to demonstrate their mastery of astronomy, and astronomical prediction?
By Jupiter! By Jove! Jehovah! ‘Jesus Christ’ is the modern utterance you might make if you hammer your thumb instead of the nail. Or if you are ‘surprised’ by something. And don’t want to use that alternative utterance of highest value F#@%!
Jupiter is a god, in ancient narratives. Just like YHWH / Jehovah.
Normally the constellation of Leo ‘The Lion’ contains only 9 stars. But on Sept.23, 2017, from our perspective here on earth, 3 additional planets, Mercury, Mars, and Venus, align ‘above’ Leo, so that to an observer on earth, the constellation of Leo appears to include TWELVE stars. This apparently happens only once every 7000 years. 7 is one of those ‘magical’ numbers. So we have 7 occurring often in mythology, in the Bibles, and even in our ‘days of the week’. Like the number 12. As in the 12 hours of ‘Horus’. The 12 semi-tones in an Octave. The 12 disciples. The 12 labours of Hercules. The 12 months of the year.
So around Sept.23, 2017, Leo appears to be made up of 12 stars.
This constellation of Leo appears, to a viewer on earth, ABOVE the constellation of VIRGO. So you could say that the Virgin Goddess has 12 stars above her head. If you wanted to get artistic. And if you wanted to encode a complex astronomical event as an easy to remember story to be passed on down the ages.
So we have part of John of Samos’ ‘revelation’ narrative realised.
So what about the ‘virgin birth’ of the god-man that was to bring peace to the earth? Assuming you take the ‘Christian’ position. (Though the REAL meaning, to anyone who is familiar with the ORIGINAL ‘messiah’ myth, is that this god-man will bring the Cult of Judah total control of this plane-et, in which all OTHERS would become their SLAVES).
Well from our perspective, Jupiter first appears to move from right to left, before reaching the ‘perihelion’ of its travels around the sun, and beginning to move, from our perspective, from left to right again (retrograde), AFTER moving only slightly, from OUR perspective, for about 9 months. At the same time as the constellations of Virgo and Leo appear to move UPWARDS.
Just visualise Jupiter orbiting the sun, from the side. So it moves right to left, behind the sun, reaches the furtherst left of its travels, before looping back around the sun, this time from our side of the sun. So when it is moving from ‘behind’ the sun to ‘in front of the sun’, it appears to be travelling towards US. So it doesn’t move much left or right for a long time, as it travels from ‘behind’ to ‘in front of’ the sun, from our perspective. .
Further, from our perspective, Jupiter the planet (another star in the sky for most of us) appears to enter the ‘womb’ of the ‘Virgin’, remain there for NINE months (the typical gestation period for humans), before moving DOWN between the Virgins ‘legs’, and out.
What you could, if you liked, described as the Virgin giving birth to the God. And that IS how John of Samos describes this event. Metaphorically.
This ‘birth’ occurs Sept.23, 2017. And will reoccur in another 7,000 years. The ancients would have witnessed the same even 7000 years ago. Or have at least been able to predict it. Just as astrologers today can predict the movements of the constellations and planets.
So let’s go to the actual ‘reveal’. REVELATION 12 states that at the time of the revelations / Armageddon, ‘a woman in the heavens, clothed in 12 stars, gives birth to a man-child’
In Genesis 49, the prophecy refers to a ‘lawgiver from between her feet’.
Micah 4 refers to ‘a woman in travail (of child-birth)’ in association with the coming of the messiah. References are to being ‘redeemed from Babylon’. From a Cult of Judah perspective, the situation where ‘Jews’ are NOT the masters of the entire plane-et, with all the non-‘Jews’ as their slaves, is defined as ‘persecution’, because the ideology of Semitism assumes that the ‘Jews’ ARE the rightful OWNERS of this world, and slave MASTERS. Just working is slavery, according to this ‘ethic’, because the ‘Jews’ RIGHTFUL place is as BENEFICIARY of the work of OTHERS. With 2600 slaves per ‘Jew’.
The ‘remnant’ is probably the Cult of Judah ELITES. Not the ‘Jews’ as they define themselves today. So if you are ‘Jewish’ don’t get all excited about your great luck. Because the 6 million ‘Jews’ in Palestine are to be offered as a burned offering, a REAL ‘Holocaust’, to the Cult of Judah’s ‘Jew’ World Order. Even Kissinger stated as much. That ‘Israel’ would soon ‘not exist’. The ‘consecration’ of the ‘Jew’ World Order will be made with the sacrifice of the 6 million ‘Jews’ living in Palestine.
And just on the subject of Palestine. If I were Palestinian, I would leave. I would NOT work for the ‘Jews’. If Islam were truly ‘independent’ and not, as it clear to me, merely a puppet of the Cult of Judah, then a FATWAH would be issued making it unacceptable for any Muslim to work for a ‘Jew’ in Israel. Israel would NEVER have survived without the cheap labour of the Arabs. It would crumble today. That is just one MORE incentive to get out of there. By all means fight for liberation. And yes, there is NO ‘official’ ‘state of Israel. But take comfort in the fact that the occupation of the ‘Jew’.S.A and E.’Jew’ and ‘Jew’.K, along with Australia and N.Z, is also NOT official. But it IS real.
But back to my assertion that Christianity, like Islam, and Marxism, are all Cult of Judah enterprises, controlled opposition, and ‘re-branded’ Judaism. PAUL, WHO IS JUST THE ‘JEW’ SAUL RE-NAMED, AS HIS RELIGION IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE CULT OF JUDAH STRATEGY, STATES IN ROMANS THAT AFTER ‘THE RAPTURE’ GOD WILL GO BACK TO DEALING WITH THE ‘JEWS’. Really think what this means. The Cult of Judah ‘hides its secrets out in the open’. So that in their own twisted logic they can PRESUME YOUR INFORMED CONSENT to their enslavement of you.
Christians tend to focus on the idea / narrative that the ‘Jews’ proved unworthy, so God sent ‘Jesus’ to break up the exclusive monopoly, and make Judaism inclusive of ALL people. But this is ONLY for 2160 years. From the age of Pisces (the time of Jesus onwards) up until the Age of Aquarius, when the messiah is to be found ‘in the HOUSE OF THE WATER BEARER’.
This could refer to the appearance of one of the planets in the constellation of Aquarius. Or the ‘return’ of the ‘wanderer’ Nibiru. (Nibiru = Habiru=’Jews’). So it might be referencing the consolidation of the State of Israel. Or the return of an actual planet, which many call ‘Nibiru’ (The wanderer). A-la ‘The Wandering ‘Jew’.
Remember I only ever ENTERTAIN ideas. I am a Zen Humean Skeptic. I do not ‘idolise’ any ideas. I do not hold them as ‘articles of faith’ and assert them dogmatically. I merely entertain different ideas. Decide how compelling or otherwise they are. And keep them all in mind when trying to form the most reasonable and logical opinions. The most productive ‘rules of thumb’ a.k.a ‘Heuristics’.
If 1947 is taken as the ‘founding’ of the new State of Israel (legally this does NOT occur until the ‘Jews’ guarantee the right of return of all Palestinians forcibly made refugees by the ‘Jews’), then we are told to expect the ‘Jew’ World Order within ‘one generation’. This is often referred to as ‘3 score and 10’ years. Which is 70. Speakers of French might be familiar with that odd way of counting. Where a ‘score’ means 20. Whereas today most people would expect to live beyond 80. So we are, in 2019, still within the ‘window’ of Biblical prophecy.
And if you have read all my books, you will understand that ‘prophecy’ really refers to ‘strategy’. To the ‘playbook’ that is the Torah.
What takes the cake is the ‘Old Testament Christians’ like Wilson and Roosevelt and Clinton and the Bushes and Trump who are all ZIONISTS. They totally overlook the ADMISSION by PAUL, who is the REAL founder of ‘Christianity’, and like Jesus, ‘Jewish’, that all the promises of the ‘Good News’ made in the ‘New Testament’ become VOID once the messiah returns. And God once more takes the side of the ‘Jews’. Who he, in the Old Testament, offered the plane-et, with us non-Jews as slaves. If YOU are so fatuous as to worship such a god, then you are welcome to enjoy your slavery.
This is how the Cult of Judah ‘occupied’ the ‘Jew’.S.A, the ‘Jew’.S.S.A, and the rest of the world. Colonising with its re-branded Cult of Judah dogma, which today we call ‘Christianity’ and ‘Islam’ and ‘Marxism’.
Soon all such pretences of ‘independent’ religions will evaporate. All these ‘religions’ will be ‘wound up’. Their facades will be removed to reveal the Cult of Judah enterprises that always lay behind them. Exposing them for what they always were. Controlled opposition. Mere tools of the Cult of Judah.
‘Hell’ means ‘bright’. ‘Hela’. ‘Hellas’. All refer to ‘bright shining’. Glorious. Those with ‘the mark of the beast’ get to go to ‘hell’. Probably the mark will be a HALO. Vowel shifting is common in linguistics. The shift from E to A and A to O is quite common. So if you are lucky, you are already ‘on the highway to hell’. That is the rebel angels’ domain. Ruled by the freedom loving, libertarian, demonised as ‘Satan’. Just as libertarians, freedom loving Americans, and Constitutionalists, are today demonised.
‘Satan’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘Shaitan’. Meaning ADVERSARY. Just as any freedom fighter is the ADVERSARY of the tyrant, Lucifer, the ‘light bringer’, was and is the ADVERSARY of the Cult of Judah. Of Jehovah. Of YHWH. That tyrant. Just as the writers of the Second Amendment ensured that U.S citizens would have the power to actively oppose any government that BECAME a tyrant. A servant of YHWH. A servant of the Cult of Judah. Became a slave master.
Bible prophecies refer to people having their heads cut off during ‘the tribulation’. I’ve documented the thousands of guillotines that appeared in FEMA camps, along with the PVC ‘multi-body caskets’, in my videos. They plan to harvest the organs of healthy victims, and this is the reason for this choice of mass death device.
Remember, PAUL himself, the ‘father of Christianity’, a ‘Jew’ named SAUL, states openly that after this tribulation, all the ‘Good News’ rights of the non-Jews are automatically RENOUNCED. From this point on, ONLY ‘Jews’ will be defined as ‘human’ and deserving of human rights. The rest of us will be defined as mere ‘cattle’. Mere means to the ends of the ‘Jews’. Who are each promised 2600 ‘Goy’ slaves. Sex slaves. Workers. Service workers.
When you consider that ‘Jews’ have the power to ‘create’ money out of thin air, by typing a few keys, and making an ‘entry’ in a ‘book’ that will NEVER be audited (hasn’t been audited for decades now, in ANY form at all), then it must be clear to you that they can ALREADY buy anything, and anyone, they please, with ZERO effort on their part. In other words without doing ANY productive work. And thus, when they exchange their ‘money’ for goods and services of real value, they are basically getting them for free. And what better definition could you have of slavery than THAT? Along with the right to imprison anyone that ‘offends’ them. And the power to force YOU to fight THEIR wars against THEIR enemies who are YOUR natural ALLIES?
So was some ‘messiah’ born in 2017? Some form of organisation ‘rubber stamped’ into being? Was the ‘Jew’ World Order officially ‘registered’ in some form? Some law enacted? Like they enacted the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve when most politicians were at home with their families, and almost no-one was paying ANY attention at all?
There are supposed to be 7 years of tribulations. With a period of peace in between. So 3.5 years of trouble. Peace. And another 3.5 years of trouble. Does this refer to some meteor or comet impacts? Like during the ‘Younger Dryas’ period? Is THAT why so many underground cities, of the kind built in the past, and recently discovered, around the world, have been completed recently? Like the underground city under the airport with that white horse with red eyes? And the extremely bizarre artwork?

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