Arise Bank and Bitshares Join Forces! AriseBank Isn’t A Scam. It’s A Victim of Libel and Slander.

in #arisebank7 years ago (edited)

A post has been circulating around the web that was posted by someone who was funded to post it with completely false information.

All of this information is easily proven false and if you read the comments in the article, you will see that the disagreements are strong:


First and foremost who is Aenigma Capital? They’re accountants who work for PWC and we know everything about them. We have spent the last few weeks tracking every single person down and have started the process of preparing several lawsuits against the individuals involved. I will break down each and every libelous statement and prove to you that it’s completely false. I posted the libelous statements as “CLAIMS” and our response to these statements as “FACTS”, just as we did in our upcoming filings. This can also be helpful to those who are new to Arise or confused by what they read in the above article. I’ll clear it all up below:


“The mastermind behind it all goes by the name of Jared Rice, and is a known scammer with numerous statements from previous investors who have fallen victim to his scams in the past:



Anyone can post something on Ripoff Report. In fact, if I had your full name, I could indeed post a story that is completely false and there is literally no way of having it removed. You do not need facts or supporting evidence to create a story on Ripoff Report. All you have to do is hate someone or want to destroy their reputation or hard work.

This post makes the claim that there is $2M+ dollars that was stolen, yet nobody ever sued me for it? Nobody ever called the authorities? Nobody simply lets $2M disappear into thin air. Even after people have recently posted on BitcoinTalk, the account who supposedly posted to the BTCTalk forums, has yet to respond after weeks. That’s because these posts were created with a fake email to begin with, by a person clearly impersonating someone who is acting like they lost $2M. Also, if someone lost $2M, the last place to post about this is BitcoinTalk. Clearly no one lost anything

CLAIM #2 :


My website actually works perfectly and has been working for a while now. You can view it here:

CLAIM #3 :


Nobody has stolen my identity. Unlike other ICOs who live off their LinkedIn pages, I wrote over 700+ repositories for people to go through and use and I’m currently working on many others with our growing development team. We decided to launch REAL products and development tools, pre-ICO. Not to mention, many major influencers like Evander Holyfield, have endorsed us.


CLAIM #4 :


He got a bit tricky with the reader here. There is a fine line between “HTTP” and “HTTPS”. If a server doesn’t have a SSL certificate (currently our forums do not), you must use “HTTP”. As you can see, our forums actually do work:


CLAIM #5 :


We never claimed to have 1100 ATM locations. We actually only posted 5 to and within those postings, we clearly point out that they aren’t live yet. See image below:



  • Regulatory filings on a “Fully regulated financial institution”? Not a single one.


We actually never claimed to be a licensed Financial institution. This is another lie that was created to scare people away from the Arise brand. Problem is, our entire brand is built around being the “First Decentralized Bank” and the “First Cryptocurrency Bank”. Being a decentralized cryptocurrency bank, where you hold your own money, just like any other cryptocurrency wallet, why would we need to be regulated? He doesn’t really elaborate on his statement, because he wants to scare away the industry newbies. Please see our response to the State of Texas, where we clearly mark this out as well:



Code for the bank of the future? Only enough to take your money


Plain and clear on this one. Not only do we have over 111 repositories on GitHub, we also run our own lab “AriseLabs” at with even more than that. We’re talking 100s of repositories that are not copies of what is available on GitHub. Each repo holds completely different codebases. You can see below:



AriseCoin purchase screen, where I was authorized to send $36,000,000 in Ether. KYC/AML? Forget about it.



We clearly have our own ICO terms available here:



While the warning signs may appear obvious to some, many consumers caught up in the hysteria of ICOs and cryptocurrencies will not peer beyond the veil and will lose some or all of their money.


Nobody will lose money. In fact, we have refunded many people’s money. For example:


When we started this project, we did so to help others. We never started this to take from others. So when you read things that don’t seem correct, remember to do your own research, or even hit me up on Telegram “@jricearise”. Anyone in our community on Telegram will tell you that I will respond rather quickly to requests and if you do want a refund, I can process that for you within 2–3 hours at maximum.

— — Jared Rice Sr., Co-founder of AriseBank

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