In the german language to be specific , a game can be seen as any activity which is executed only for pleasure and without conscious purpose. In every game,the rules and the components define the game and every thing that is in the game is part of the game while every thing is not in the rules does not belong in the game.
Most of this only refer to the game and never exist outside of the game. Millions of the games that exist today has rules and this rules are laws,playing a game us voluntary and cannot be forced on the players. Whoever that plays a game,voluntarily binds himself to the rules.
Any time force is involved ,there is no game and a game without rules are not games. In the game world ,each game demonstrate competition and the players compete in a game.
The players compete against one another and there is either a winner or a loser. Many gaming platform today make games more difficult and challenging to the players.
In many games,rules are more important than the component and this game rules most time can never be change. Most of the game platforms do not reward their players according to what they earned during the course of the game.
This is the main reason why the arenon platform was created. The goal of the platform is to build a system where gamers can play games with the blockchain technology and it will help the platform to run safely and smoothly ensuring the security of all the players on the system.
The platform is co ordinated with a privacy oriented network that makes use of instant privet send. In this platform, no player is preferred everybody have same chance and opportunity.
This is a globalized and transparent peer to peer internet currency that is specifically created for everyone. It has many great features such as instant near zero cost payment provided to everyone in the world no matter your location.
The platform wants to create a system that will be different from the normal gaming platform we all known. In this kind of platform , the users can be able to play against each other strangers or even their friends for the arenon coins.
This arenon coins are coins that is usually distributed to the winner of the game and it is normally placed before the game start up. Every player must use their coins as a starting fee before the games starts.
The platform have different types of games that is available on the system and most of them are chess,settlers,agario,connect four,rock paper scissors ,Tic Tac Toe,global strike and many others.
There is a provision on the platform where the players can compete with several players and win large amount with small bets. The platform is created in a way whereby nobody is preferred to other and the game is a fair one.
There is nothing like strong AI opponents that can diminish the fun of playing and exempts you. The ranking system of the whole platform is balance,so that only players that have same skill can play against each other and this will make everything remains fair for all and the fun is guaranteed.
The game store of the platform is an extension of arenon system and it is used basically to purchase items and also services for the games. The platform is going to be design in such a way that the players can be able to purchases various items such as
Tickets for special events such as the tournaments and other custom competitions.
Items like skins and stickers
Services like custom avatar and customizable themes.
Additionally they are some free gifts found in the regular shop every time. The players can collect these items and then purchase the paid ones.
They are still some other special features that is found in the platform. This features is that the players can on their own design their own custom and even list them in the shop for sell, but before this the user has to apply for approval and if it meets the terms and conditions it can be listed for sell.
So the arenon game shop is not just an ordinary shop where players can only buy but they are also free to sell in the shop and make profit. The diagram below summarizes the arenon game shop.
This is a third party of the platform and is specifically designed to support the internal and the external games. The main work of this is to maintain security in the platform as a whole.
It works as an interface between the arenon wallet,the gaming platform and the external games. The funds of the players are secure on an extra server with an offline wallet.
The server can never be online and this guarantees maximum security. The API is not only for security purposes ,it has other functions which include
Recording of winners and losers of the previous games with their scores.
Participants details like number of participants and the users profiles.
Game flow control data
This functions is mainly for internal games,the external games is kind of complicated because each of the external games has different structures and processing. So it is really impossible to put all the games in a single rule to work on a single API.
The Arenon platform really an interesting platform with many great features. It is a globalized and transparent peer to peer internal currency that is specifically created for everyone.
Unlike other gaming platforms ,the arenon gaming platform does not preferred any one and live the other. In this platform everyone is preferred and all the players play in a fair manner.
I will encourage everyone to invest in this platform because it worth doing so.
For more information please follow the links below and find more interesting details.
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Author details
Bitcointalk username--- ifeoma
Bitcointalk profile link--;u=1616375